Easier success really is possible, also for you. There truly is another way that bypasses all the complexity and all the hustle.
It's a softer way that springs forth from the inside-out.
"Originally, I wanted a blueprint for building my new business as quickly as possible. Instead, I found the missing piece of the puzzle for my own, unique concept and way forward.
While working with Lea & Shailia, I noticed that my stress fell away in no time. And despite feeling no stress or pressure, I got an incredible amount done. I got very clear on what to do, launched my pilot program, and then filled my online course."
One thing we know for sure ...
If your business, project or whatever you're creating in the world feels confusing and complex, you're on the wrong track. And finding clarity for your next, simple step is a matter of getting calm and feeling within.
"Before coaching with Lea & Shailia, my business felt confusing, complex and full of question marks.
Now, I just do what I'm good at and what I love to do ... and I have very clear priorities. With these priorities, I get twice as much done in half the time it took me to do things in the past.
I no longer get overwhelmed by all the bright shiny objects out there and I stopped asking myself what other possibilities there might be. I am calm and clear. And with my clarity comes so much freedom.
To me that's really mind blowing!"
The business and marketing input we provide is, of course, very helpful for our clients. But we're convinced that more than 80% of our clients' success is due to something completely different.
"What makes transformative coaching so helpful is the combination of business support and very concrete advice, tips and tools ... and at the same time a sort of self-development."
Many business coaches call it mindset.
We call it understanding ... a deep understanding of how human beings perform and of where to look for brilliant business ideas and leveraged solutions.
That's way BIGGER than mindset.
We'd love to speak with you about it.
So much love,
Lea & Shailia