Subject:ย Do you want see the whole Elephant? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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April 29, 2021 
Do you see the whole elephant?
A new perspective on habits, addiction and anxiety


For the past three months, we've had the pleasure to welcome the wonderful Dr. Amy Johnson, founder of the "Little School of BIG Change", as a guest speaker on our "Insight Circle".

One thing that stuck with all of us was her story of the "whole elephant" and the "hot stove" as metaphors for gaining insight into unwanted habits, addictive behavior, and even anxiety.

Even if it might seem strange to you as an English-speaker to hear the German translation as Amy is talking, this direct translation method has a fascinating side effect.

It slows down the speaker considerably, and the mind of the listener is allowed to slow down as well.

The speaker is (even more) focused on the essence of what wants to be said, and your chances of hearing something new and helpful increase.

In any case, we hope you enjoy hearing about the "whole elephant" and the "hot stove".

So much love,
Lea & Shailia

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