Subject: what's missing in your "game plan"?

I know you're trying
hard to build an
online business.

And you're working
every day to make
it profitable, and
more and more so.

You try different
strategies from
social media to
paid ads to blogging
to who knows what.

But there always
seems to be something
missing, doesn't there?

Why is this so hard?

You see others "make
it big" and you wonder
what their secret is...

...and why it's not
happening for you.

So very often I work
with clients that
have these problems.

It's usually because
they over-complicate

Maybe you do, too.

It's not really your
fault, though, because
so many big marketers
try to convince you
that it is complicated.

That's because it gives
them a perfect excuse
to get you to buy all
their ebooks, courses
and what-all.

If you're serious about
this business, then you
need to get beyond
complicating things.

Today, I'm going to
give you the perfect
3-Step "game plan"
that you can follow
to make things simple
and powerful.

If you're skipping
any one of these steps,
it could be what's
missing in your

So pay careful attention.

I promise to make this
very brief.

Step 1:
Go hang out with people
who want what you can
give them.

This is what marketers
call your "target

Find them on social
media sites, in blogging
communities, on forums,
at give-away sites...

Invite these people to
visit your website,
preferably your blog.

Communicate with these
folks on a consistent
basis to build trust.

Let them know you've
written an article or
blog post that solve
a big problem that
this crowd typically

Step 2:
When these folks get
to your site, make
sure you offer them
value... then prompt
them to get your free
give-away as a bonus
for joining your
email list.

Step 3:
Create a single piece
of training each week.

It can be a report,
a video... whatever.

Offer it for sale to
your email list.

Make the price very

Make the content
short but valuable.

Create one piece of
content that you
can offer your list
each week.

Once you've got to
this point, you can
do many things to
start making bigger
products, bigger

You can then get
folks into your
coaching program,
your membership
site or some
such thing.

At this point,
you're off and
running and the
sky's the limit.

If you're not
comfortable creating
content or training
or videos... you
can get ones created
for you very, very

You can also substitute
affiliate programs to
suit your subscribers.

Sky's the limit.

That's it.

This is a simple
3-Step plan that
makes people lots and
lots of profit over
and over and over.

It's not difficult,
but it is work.

If you're ready to
put this plan into
action, there's an
excellent chance of
having a real good
online business in
place 3 months from

If you just keep
jumping from one
strategy to another...

... 3 months from now
you can expect to be
in the same place you
are now...

... still trying to
figure out what's
missing in your
game plan.

Now, there's lots of
action details to
fill in, but if you
know this business
well, you know what
they are.

If you need help along
the way, or a hand to
hold throughout the

I'd love to help you
make this happen.

I love to help people
change their lives
for the better.

I'd love to help you.

Click Here to See How

Talk soon,

-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

If you're ready to
fill in the missing
pieces in your game
plan, I'm ready to
show you the way.
Get the details Here

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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