Subject: whatcha gonna do with "tire kickers"?

Nobody likes 'em.

Everybody tells
you to stay away
from them.

They'll bring you
down, bloat your
list and never be
any good to you.

We're talking about
"tire kickers" or
"freebie seekers" or
whatever else you
might call them.

The popular knowledge
on the topic is this...

tire kickers and freebie
seekers are no good for
your business

You don't want them
on your email list,
you don't want them
in your business.

I agree with this,
but only to a point.

Let me ask you this.

Have you ever accepted
a free offer?

Have you ever bought
an online product?

If you answer BOTH
questions with a
yes... then you're
probably no different
than 99% of people

You're certainly no
different than me.

The point is...
virtually everyone
is both a "buyer"
and a "tire kicker"
at some point in

So how can I be
worthless when I'm
a tire kicker, but
valuable when I'm
a buyer?

If you want to
make money online
you need BOTH.

In fact, tire
kickers should be
welcomed and taken
very good care of.

If this sounds
contrary to all
the things you've
heard about online

it is.

But having been
in this business
a while now;

having created
several membership

having created
multiple digital
products for
JVZoo, WSO and

having developed
multiple coaching

I know a enough
to tell you this...

if you want to
build a successful
and profitable
online business,
you should be
looking high and
low for tire kickers.

In upcoming emails,
I'll show you exactly
why, and more
exactly how.

Meanwhile, I'd like
to hear from you

Do you welcome
tire kickers to your
business, or do you
try to steer clear
of them.

I'm trying to get
a fix on where you
stand on this, so
I'd really like
your feedback, even
if it's one or
two words:

"steer clear"

Thanks so much for
your help with this.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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