Subject: the question

I told you that
the key to having
people eager to
buy from you,
begins with a
simple question.


Ask open ended

Just ask people
what they're
struggling with,
what they could
use help with.

Now, you can't
just ask them

You need to ask
"open ended"

An open ended
question moves
people into a
place where they
can talk about

And you know what?

That's all they
really want to

They Want to tell
you about their
challenges, their
aspirations, and
they want you to
help them.

When you ask an
open question, you
give them an
opportunity to get
that conversation

An "open ended"
question is one
that encourages
people to explain
what they believe,
how they feel,
what their
challenges and
dreams are.

Here's why you
want to do that...
because it's

The truth is, you
have a good time
when you're talking
about yourself and
your ideas.

Think of when you
go to a party or
sit at dinner
with a handful
of friends or

When people ask
you to express
your thoughts on
something, you
become the center
of attention.

People are listening
carefully to you.

What do you think?

What are your ideas?

What are you good
at, or what are you
afraid of.

People are listening
to you because they
really care.

If they didn't care,
they wouldn't have
asked you an open
ended question to
begin with.

They'd ask you a
simple yes/no or
multiple choice

And then give you
a long diatribe
about how they feel
about your answer.

Or, they'd just pay no
attention while you're
answering it.

Maybe they'd simply
get up and go to
another room, or
start talking to
someone else.

But when they ask
you an open ended
question, then they
are interested and
engaged with you.

Yes, they're really
listening to you.

Here's the deal.

You're going to
really enjoy the

And you'll probably
tell your friends,
"you know, that
person is really
nice... I really
like him/her."


Because they asked
your opinion and
then listened to
your answer with
sincere interest.

Next, I'll show
you how this all
plays into the
getting your readers,
subscribers and
followers to gladly
buy from you...

and I'll show you
exactly WHAT they'll
be most likely to buy.

Talk soon,

-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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