Subject: the answer

People who answer
your questions
are far more likely
to grab your products
and services.

So you have to
ask them questions,

But what kind of
questions should
you ask?

It depends on what
kind of answer
you want.

Let me demonstrate
how this works.

You could ask a
question like this:

"Are you more
interested in
a) trimming down
b) getting stronger
c) looking younger"

That's a "closed"

It requests an
answer that
does not involve
your prospect in
a conversation
with you.

When you get an
answer to this
sample question,
maybe you'd
respond to it
with an offer that
will satisfy any
of the 3 answers.

You could offer
(a) a new
eating plan;
(b) the latest
juice diet book;
(c) an exercise
book or CD.

So after you
get an answer
to your question
you get down to

You ask them to 
grab your offer.
You tell them they
need to do it, now.

You wait for them
to do it.

You tell them
tomorrow is
too late.

If they don't, get it,
you ask them to
once again, maybe
the next day.

That's the most
typical approach
to moving products
and services online.

What will people
get from you if
you use that

Answer: whatever
you can convince
them they need.

Here is
=> The Alternative =>

Ask the same crowd,
what would make
you feel better
about your body?

That's open ended.

You have no idea
what they'll tell
you, but here's
the big difference.

THEY are doing the
"telling"... not

Now, that answer is
THE answer that
you're looking for.

It's an answer
that tells you
their deepest
aspirations and

It could be their
aspirations and
fears about
anything, of course.

In the above
example, it would
concern their

You could then
follow up with
an engaging
conversation about
their health and

But don't tell
them what they

Let them know
what you have...

something that
can improve their
body and well being.

But as they
continue telling
you all about
themselves, they'll
know that either
they want what
you have, or they

You don't have to
"sell" to them.

You just let them
know what you have
that might help

But don't try to
convince them they
need it.

When they are engaged
in this "question and
answer" process, they
will convince themselves
that they need it.

Not everybody will
want it.

But those who do,
won't hesitate to
buy it from you.

They trust you,
they're friends
with you, they've
just been engaged
in a conversation
about something
very important to

You asked them an
important question.

They gave you their
honest answer.

From here, it's easy.

If you have something
to help them along
the way, they'll
convince themselves
to buy it.

Then they'll feel
justified in
their purchase
because they like
and trust you.


Here's exactly WHAT
people will buy from

They'll buy whatever
you have to make
their lives better.

Your job is not to
sell it.

Your job is to
engage your email
subscribers, blog
visitors, and social
media followers.

Give them an open
ended question.

Patiently "listen"
to their answer.

Engage them in
conversation about

Then let them make
their own decision
to buy.

A good percentage
of the time... if
you've targeted
your audience well...
they'll buy.

If you try to "sell"
it to them, a much
lower percentage
will become buyers.

And in the process,
you'll brand
yourself as a
marketer instead
of an authority
and leader.

So what kind of
buyers do you
seek in your

What are the
questions you
ask them on
your blog posts,
on social media?

I just told
you how important
engagement is, so...

Hit "Reply" and
talk to me.

Talk soon,

-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

If you'd like me to
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folks into buyers
instead of lurkers,
check out my...

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