Subject: "retreat" your way to success


You know me.

I don't step backwards
too often.

I'm always telling you
things like "never take
2 consecutive days off"...

because it make you
lose focus and momentum
when you're trying to
build up an online biz.

So I get that.

But, today's a holiday
for me (maybe for you,
too, if you celebrate

So I take some time off
as I do every Sunday,

But it's a time when
I go a bit deeper into
my "retreat" as I call it.

It simply means I spend
time looking inward, and
retreat from the real
world of statistics,
strategy and business.

I do very little work,
and other than this
newsletter message, I
pretty much stay away
from my computer.

Scary :)

I spend much of my day
in prayer and meditation,
just re-orienting my life's
shape and direction.

I get a bit anxious when
I give myself little
retreats like this.

I keep thinking about
what I gotta do.

But try it.

When you really get
yourself into an inner
retreat, you'll start
seeing things that you
don't when you just
attack the world from
your analytical mind.

I do this every day,
really, just spend
less time than I do
on my "retreat" days.

How about you?

Do you go on these
little retreats from
time to time, or on
special days like
holidays, or routinely
like every morning or

If you answer yes, I'd
love to hear about it
if you're in a sharing
mood.. haha

If you answer no, I'd
encourage you to try
it and see if you find,
like I have...that even
though "retreats" take
some time away from your
busy schedule... 

they can actually lead to
you accomplishing way

Be still.

Listen only with your heart.

Even if for 5 minutes.

Do it today.


I gotta cook the fish.

Hungry holiday house, here.

Wish me well with the
Alaska Salmon... hmmmm

Talk Soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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