Subject: read my "private journal"

Anybody who's been
following me for a
while knows that I
make a big deal
about having a
"blueprint" to work

In fact, tomorrow's
Friday and I'll be
sending you my update
on this via the
"Friday Focus Group."

Look for that tomorrow.

Today, I want you to
peek into my private

Now, how's my "journal"
different from my

Well, you know my
blueprint is my step
by step work order
that I follow to run
my business on a
daily basis.

Before I get to my
most important tasks
for the day, though,
I write a "journal."

Sometimes I do it the
night before.

Depends how I feel,
that's all.

Instead of trying
to tell you how my
journal is different
from my blueprint...

here's one that I
wrote this morning.

You can see for

"Wed. a.m. 10-21-2015

Things I'm grateful for:

Waking up to a new
day, with all its
challenges and promises.

The gift of spending
precious time
with my loving
family and husband

My Vow:

To do everything I can
in my business to
improve the lives of
my customers.

To give freely of my
time and energy to
those who need me.

My Prayer:

That all those less
fortunate than me
will rise and prosper.

That all those living
in darkness will find

That I will have the
strength and endurance
to use my God-given
talents, skills and
grace to do those things
that I have been born
and empowered to do.

That's all there is
to it.

I call it a journal.

Sometimes it's more
of a prayer or
meditation, because
I don't write it.

Often, I just go
mediate or pray in
this way before
I even get out of
bed in the morning.

I also like to write
it down on a regular
basis... in my journal.

The gratitude, vows
and promises change
little from day to

They are more of a
litany that I repeat,
than a new set of
principles or insights.

Sometimes the reflect
a specific challenge
or gratitude that I'm
living through at the
moment, that is not
typical of my ordinary

Anyway, it's something
I do to remind myself
of the special graces
and gifts I've been
given, and that I am
given every day.

And I use the occasion
to remind myself of
my responsibility to
conduct my life in ways
that will improve
other peoples' lives.

Is vow to do this to
the best of my ability.

I hope you'll consider
adding some kind of
daily prayer, ritual,
meditation or journal
to your life.

I'd love to hear

1. if you do this
2. if you've been
inspired to start

As you start your
own journaling
journey, I'd love
to hear how it's

I'm here for you,
as usual, and
love hearing your
comments or

Hit "Reply"

I'd love to hear
from you.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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