Subject: how to build your own "crowd"

Give everything away.

Give it for free.

Pull in the curiosity
seekers, the "freebie"
folks and the so-called

When you shy away
from these people
because they are
not "proven buyers,"
you lose out on
a great opportunity.

These are the best
folks to surround
yourself with because,
they will become your
followers, your fans
and your cheerleaders.

Even if the never
spend a dime.

Now, I'm not talking
about your email list.

That's a little bit
different and I
talked about that

But on your blog,
your Facebook page,
Twitter, LinkedIn
and all the rest...

build a following
for social proof
and to establish
yourself as a
leader and authority.

The more people follow
you, talk about you,
talk to you...

the higher the value
will be for your
personal brand.

In order to pull
these folks in, you
need to give away
all your best advice,
techniques, strategies,
and anything else you
have in your arsenal.

Give it away.

Your blog posts are

Your YouTube videos
and Facebook posts
are free.

Make this free stuff
your very best stuff.

Too many people think
you give away junk
until people pay for
your best stuff.

That will never get
you a crowd of avid
supporters and
loyal followers.

Give them your best.

This is the way to
up your visibility,
and to increase peoples'
trust in you.

Surround yourself with
this loyal crowd and
your online business
and blog will shine
like a diamond in the

Stop being afraid to
attract "tire kickers"
and freebie seekers.

They should be seen
as the foundation to
your business.

Worry about converting
some of them to buyers

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

For help in crafting
your best strategy for
your business, check
out my coaching programs:

Tier 1 Coaching

Budget Email Coaching

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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