Subject: how are your "New Year Resolutions" going?


We're almost 30 days
into the New Year.

Now, I know many of
you started this
month with some
pretty awesome "New
Year Resolutions".

Many of you shared
them with me here,
as I always encourage
you to hit the "Reply"
and let me know what's
going on with you.

As I read them, I
knew many of them
were unrealistic.


Mainly because they
were very strong on
being "broad" and
very weak on the
how-to details that
can actually make
them happen.

Now, it's not that
the goals are

They always are.

The problem is that
you just may not
know how to make
them happen.

I've usually respond
to most people that
take the time to
reply to these emails.

So if you're one of
the people I told
needed to narrow
your focus and get
your "how to" details
in order, you know
who you are.

So.. how's it working

How are your goals
from the beginning of
the month taking shape?

Don't let too much
time go by or you'll
be wondering what
happened to 2016.

It happens that way,

Wow, time goes so fast.

Anyway, David & I started
this year with a coaching
special for you.

It was so popular, and
filled so fast that
we're going to do it in
February, but only for
the first 10 people who
sign up.

I've just got too many
irons in the fire right
now to take on too much
private coaching.

Here's How It Works

You can purchase a special
coaching session via
with Us for just $99.

One payment for one
session for one single

to put your New Years
Resolutions into action,
and finally achieve your
financial goals.

Our Top Tier Coaching
Program costs $497... and
that price is going up
to $697 real soon.

So this is a very
special offer at a
very special price.

If you're one of the first
10 clients who want to do this . . .

Just click the link
below to sign up, and
make your one time
$99 payment to "Mind
Over Matter of NY" which
is our corporate paypal

I promise you'll have your
clear "Action Plan" by the
time we finish the
call, so you can bring
your New Years Resolutions
into reality.

(After you make your payment,
reply to this email to tell me
you made your payment. I'll
get back in touch with you
and tell you how we'll get
started. Then either David
or I (or both) will get on the
phone or Skype with you to do
the coaching session.)

Based on my experience,
I'm confident that these
sessions will book fast.

So, if you're interested,
take action now.

Oh yea, another thing...
the faster you notify
us that you're signed
up and ready to go, the
earlier in February we
will book your session.

Don't wait til April to
have just half an idea of
where you're heading.

Talk Soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success


If you're one of the first
10 clients who want to do this . . .

Just click the link
below to sign up, and
make your one time
$99 payment to "Mind
Over Matter of NY" which
is our corporate paypal
Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.