Subject: how I meet my 60-day Goal?

My personal
60 day goal?

It's really broken
into several parts.

My #1 Big Goal to
meet in the next
60 days is to drive
new clients into my
new coaching program.

To do that, there's
a key production
goal built in.

This is it.

I'll be producing
4 info products
in the next 8 weeks.

So, 1 new product
every other week
over the next 60 days.

Each one will
integrate with my
new coaching program.

The coaching program
will be an upsell,
downsell or back-end

The key is, I will
get new clients for
my new coaching program.

How can I do it?

=== >>
BTW: Here's how YOU
can do it, too...


Today, I've done this:

1. a video into to
product #1

2. Outlined 5 other
videos I need to
product to complete
product #1

Here's what I'll be
doing after I send
out this email to
my list.
3. outline videos
#2 thru #6, so I
can produce them
one a day (not
including weekends)
until the product is
completely produced.

4. write the sales
letter for the product

5. write the email
sequence to follow up
with new buyers of
product #1

That's it for today.

In actuality, I'll
probably only outline
the sales letter
(step 4) and I've
got a doctor appointment,
so step 5 might not
get done today at all.

It's okay if I don't
quite finish every
step every day.

My weekly schedule
gives me Friday off,
to work only on my
blueprint for the
next week.

So, in reality, things
that don't get done
by the end of Thursday,
will be able to get
mopped up on Friday.

Now, I'm sure you
could move your
business forward in
record time if you
set a goal for your
next 60 days.

Map out a 60 day
outline for
accomplishing it.

Each Friday, work
on the blueprint
for you next week
so it coordinates
with your 60 day

Are you ready to
power your way
through the next
60 days?

How different will
your business look
60 days from today,
if you actually

I didn't say "think
about it"...

I didn't say "do
this one day"

I said, just do it.



If my 60-day goal
achievement training
will benefit you
along the way,

Grab It Here.

If you'd like to
coach with me one-on-one
while you do this, reply
to this email and we'll
set something up.

It's not critical that
you buy my training
or hire me to coach you.

It IS critical that
you make this happen.

Otherwise, 60 days from
now, here what things
will look like.

1. I'll have a whole
bunch of new paying
clients enrolled in my
new coaching program,
and I'll be setting up
my next 60 day goal.

2. You'll still be
looking for some magical
software to build an
online business, or maybe
you'll just be onto your
next dead-end trail.

Until you plan for success
and implement your plan,
you're not likely to find
much success online, or
anywhere else.

Now, I'm back to the
production room.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

PS. Here's my suggestion.

Sit down today and write
your goal for the next 60 days.

Then map out how... exactly how
you can accomplish it.

If you need help, you might 
be interested in my 
60 Day Goal Achievement Training.

Or reply to this email and tell
me if you'd like me to coach
you through your next 60 days.

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.