Subject: fight or flight?

Do any of these sound familiar?

"I'm broke."
"I have a mountain of debt."
"I've been ripped off."
"My partner just left me."
"I'm too busy."
"I have to hold down a job."
"I don't have time."
"I don't have the experience."

The internet marketing battlefield
is awash with the corpses of
excuse-riddled wannabes who
chose to play the victim rather
than fight the good fight.

You think you've got a struggle
in your life right now?

Join the club.

Every successful person in
every walk of life has had
all these problems and
probably more.

When blogging, when running
an online business of any
sort really,

Comes the day...

When you're backed into the
corner, and there's no way

When you're forced
to make the choice.

Survivor or victim?

Empowerment or defeat?

Fight or flight?

Comes the hour...

You need to write yet another
article or post.

But the blank page looks
like a demon.

You want to get that ebook
done, but the months drag on.

You know your world would
change if you could just
get an info product into
the marketplace.

But that seems like it's
just a pipe dream.

Sure, you've been knocked


you've lost everything
at least once but still
rise to the top.


your failures are the
essential steps to victory.


you get up again as many
times as you get knocked down.

Ok, internet marketer.

Ok, blogger.

Ok, online business builder.

Stop listening to the
naysayers,the negative
nellies and the self-doubt
in your own head.

It's time to take action.

You need to write your blog
post, script your sales letter,
compile your ebook, and yes...
you might even be ready to
create your own info product.

While creating your own articles,
ebooks and products from scratch
is the best way... it's fraught
with stress, costs, lengthy
learning curves and uncertainty.

And let's face it.

You're ready to put these
things into place today,
not 3 days, weeks or months
from now.

Investing in PLR (Private
Label Rights), however,
can help you get all this
done in a heartbeat.

One-time fee, but you get
PLR Monthly... as the title
says... monthly.

PLR Monthly

It's the ultimate shortcut to
earning a decent income online.

It's the "secret" that the
biggest online earners
keep close to the vest.

I mean, just think of it.

Do you really think they
write a blog post every
single day, punch out
two ebooks a month and
are hosting their next
6 week training course
without any help?

Most of them either have
hired staff, virtual
assistants, or good
quality PLR to rely on.

But finding good quality
PLR is like finding
a needle in a haystack.

So when my good friend
at PLR Monthly agreed to
let me offer my readers a
a one-time, low investment
for the PLR content that he
usually charges monthly for...

I had to tell you about it.

You can make excuses or you
can make money.

You can't make both.

You can take flight and
complain that building an
online business is too hard,
or "not for everyone" or

Or you can hang in and fight,
armed with the golden sword,
which today, I entrust unto you.

===> PLR Monthly

Talk soon,


-Donna & David Merrill-
Whirlwind Success

Don't forget...

This normally costs $67 per month
but I've secured you this special
one-time, one-off payment deal.

Pay once only, but get fresh,
high quality PRL content each and
every month just like all their
subscribers pay each month for.

Fight or flight?

Seems like a no brainer, here.

But then again, I've always chosen
to survive, empower and fight for
what I want.

===> PLR Monthly
Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.