Subject: This "ends" at midnight Tonight (no exceptions)

This "ends" at midnight Tonight (no exceptions)

January 5th, 2016 at 8:15 pm EDT

If you have notyet taken action,I want to give youone more chance. All the spots havebeen taken, butI'm going to giveeveryone ONElast chance toget in on thisanyway. I know it's beenholidays and Iactually only toldyou about this onNew Years eve... hah ...

Coach with me this month (only 3 spots left)

January 5th, 2016 at 10:42 am EDT

It's no secret. The best way to get ahead in this business is to work closely with a live coach. I'll make it simple. Talk to somebody who can help you, or, 6 months down the line... you'll almost certainly be in the very same place you're in now. Re ...

here's how they get "daily buckets of traffic" flooding their sites

January 4th, 2016 at 7:52 am EDT

You can get traffic easy, fast, cheap. All day long. People worry about getting traffic. Do you get enough "traffic" to your blog or website? I actually worry about getting too much traffic. Think of it. If you pay for ads to get traffic (and I do).. ...

Do you have enough "traffic"..?.. here's 3 no-cost resources to get more

January 3rd, 2016 at 4:46 pm EDT

You can get traffic easy, fast, cheap. People worry about getting traffic. Do you have "traffic"? I worry about getting too much. Think of it. If you pay for ads to get traffic (and I do)... you want good traffic, don't you? I mean, if you're paying ...

My Big Special Offer for New Year's (first 25 people only)

January 1st, 2016 at 12:50 pm EDT

Ok, we have 19 spots left. Happy New Year, BTW. Just a few hours into 2016. David spent last night talking about something special (and different) we could do. We want to kick off 2016 in a big way in our business. And we will. But we'd like to take ...

My Big Special Offer for New Year's 2016 (first 25 people only)

December 31st, 2015 at 10:25 pm EDT

Is it crazy sending an email to my list on New Year's Eve? Just a few hours before midnight (EST) and David and I were talking about something special (and different) we could do. We want to kick off 2016 in a big way in our business. And we will. Bu ...