I told you yesterday that to start coaching, you have to have something to give people.
So by now, you should have firmly in mind exactly WHAT you want to coach people about.
What is it you can give them?
Have you taken this step?
Did you get your feet wet?
If not...
You can't start coaching until you start.
If you've done that, then let's continue.
You should also have some idea of how you'll deliver your coaching by now.
Remember I asked you to decide on the HOW.
Do you want to deliver your coaching on the phone, in video, audio, pdf or what?
Have you taken this step, yet?
If not...
It's time to jump into the water and get your feet wet.
Now, the WHAT is necessary by this point.
The HOW might change as you learn more about different methods you can use.
The HOW might even include a variety of methods.
But more on that down the road. Right now, the most important thing to do is start giving away your expertise.
That's the best way to get your feet wet when you are first starting your coaching program.
Here's what to do.
Find people who need your help and let them see exactly how you can help them.
That's so they can actually see you "coaching" before they even know you offer coaching.
I think the best place to find these people is on social media sites.
I get a lot of followers from Facebook and LinkedIn, and lately I've been getting quite a few from YouTube.
It doesn't really matter what your favorite platforms are.
What's important is to start building a rapport with people who are likely prospects for your coaching.
So think in terms of what your niche is.
Hang out with people in that niche.
Ask them what their challenges are, or simply observe what people are talking about on Facebook groups, in forums and the like.
This will give you key insight as to what their problems are.
Next, you solve their problem.
Solve it with a free offer of some sort.
When they opt-in for your free offer that will help them solve one of their big problems, you add them to your email list of prospects for your coaching.
So today, go out and find out ways to start building your coaching list in this way.
If you don't know some of the technical things, like using auto-reponders for your email list, or making a squeeze page for people to sign up on...
Do some research online to get answers.
Go to Fiverr dot com to find folks who can actually create a squeeze page for you, or write a free report for you to give away.
You could join us in our Whirlwind Success "VIP Club" to get help with all these things, and in fact...
we're doing an intense "Start Coaching" training inside the VIP Club right now.
So you could jump join that workshop if you sign up today.
Wherever you go for help, do it WHILE you're building your list of coaching prospects.
Don't wait to have all the pieces in the puzzle.
Start working on building contacts via social media, and getting them onto your email list. Talk soon,
-Donna & David- Whirlwind Success
PS: The "VIP Club" (link above) will be increasing in price soon. If you're not a member yet, this would be a great time to "freeze" your price at the current low rate.
PS.PS: We are just beginning an intensive "start your own coaching program" within the VIP Club.
Click Here to join in.
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