Subject: can you pass this test? (ps: 4 spots left)

You're going to be
making lots of money
this year if you
can pass this test.

Here it is...

Do you have a business
model that improves
people's lives?

Are you making a
difference in their

That's it.

If you can answer
YES to both of
those questions,
then you pass
the test.

You have a business
model that is going
be very successful
over the next few

If you know how to
deliver it.

If you know how to
make sure people
know that you have
a business that
can improve their

You see, if you
can improve your
customers and
clients' lives...

they want you!

But can they find

You see, people
don't care how
smart you are.

They don't care
how much you made
last year, or if
you have a great
blog or "game
changing info."

They don't care
if you create
your own products,
or if you're an
affiliate marketer
or blogger.

They only care
about having a
better life.

If you can give
them a product,
service, coaching...

anything that will
improve their lives...

then they WANT to
do business with you.

Two more questions:

Do you have a business
model built around
improving lives?

Do you know how to
put that business
in front of people
who want your help?

If you answered YES
to those two questions,
then you're going to
have a great year.

If you answered NO
to either one, then
you can still have
a great year.

Let us help you
put your act together
now, so you're not
still trying to
figure it all out
6 months from now.

Here's How It Works

You can purchase a special
coaching session via
with Us for just $99.

One payment for one
session for one single

to put business on
the right track, and
do it now.

Our Top Tier Coaching
Program costs $497... and
that price is going up
to $697 real soon.

So this is a very
special offer at a
very special price.

If you're one of the first
10 clients who want to do this . . .

Just click the link
below to sign up, and
make your one time
$99 payment to "Mind
Over Matter of NY" which
is our corporate paypal

I promise you'll have your
clear "Action Plan" by the
time we finish the
call, so you can put your
business on the right
track, and start delivering
it to the people who want it.

(After you make your payment,
reply to this email to tell me
you made your payment. I'll
get back in touch with you
and tell you how we'll get
started. Then either David
or I (or both) will get on the
phone or Skype with you to do
the coaching session.)

I made this offer yesterday
and we've only got 4 spots
left as of this moment.

So, if you're interested,
take action now.

Oh yea, another thing...
the faster you notify
us that you're signed
up and ready to go, the
earlier in February we
will book your session.

Don't wait til April to
have just half an idea of
where you're heading.

Talk Soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success


We got 4 spots left for February . . .

Just click the link
below to sign up, and
make your one time
$99 payment to "Mind
Over Matter of NY" which
is our corporate paypal
Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.