Subject: can I ask you a favor?

Saturday morning here.

I'm itching to get
away from my computer.

Just a bit of shopping
and taking a ride on
a beautiful, sunny
70 degree day.

So I'm off.

Hope you're doing
some weekend getaway
stuff yourself.

It's important to
break away from the
intensity of building
your business from
time to time, and
typically, Saturday
is my favorite day
to "walk away".

I did want to ask you
to do me a favor though.

Could you reply to this
email with just one word.

Just one word.

or phrase.

Tell me the most important
thing you'd like to learn
more about.

Choose something like:
Email Marketing
Sales Funnels...

or maybe something else.

This helps me keep in
touch with the needs
of my readers.

I like to keep this
newsletter on target,
it benefits you and
makes my job easier :)

I've been doing a series
on "how to find affiliate
products" lately.

That's not because I
just up and decided to
do it.

It's because a lot of
people have been replying
to my emails and asking
me about it.

So, here's your chance.

Tell me your topic of
greatest interest, and
I'll work on putting
together some info and
training on it for you.

Not bad for a free
newsletter, huh?

Have a great weekend
and thanks for your

I really appreciate


Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

PS: The "VIP Club" (link above) will be
increasing in price soon. If you're not
a member yet, this would be a great
time to "freeze" your price at the current
low rate.

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.