People are always asking me for advice...
about things like: internet marketing, blogging, creating products, starting a coaching program or membership site, do Facebook ads, run a Twitter account, buy solo ads or PPC, etc....
I know why they're asking me these things, and I'm almost always right.
It's because all these thing serve as distractions.
They allow people procrastinate.
Instead of rolling up their sleeves and getting down to running a business.. they keep looking for a "miracle"... a silver bullet, a 4-leaf clover.
But I think you know the difference.
I think you know that buying every known training and every new slick software can really throw you backwards, even though people do these things to improve their business.
Now, here's the thing.
I sell those things.
You see me offering courses, trainings and software.
Often, it's my own courses, masterminds and coaching.
Sometimes, they're affiliate offers.
But I TRY to always remind you to please, please don't be buying anything from me or anyone else unless it fits your business model.
I don't... I really don't want you buying anything at all unless it's something that can really help your business.
I offer lots of things.
I don't offer anything unless I absolutely believe it is good and valuable.
But if you don't need it, then don't buy it because you think it will be a magic pill of some sort.
It won't be.
Nothing will be.
Buy it if it can be of help to you, though.
I buy things all the time.
And I never return it if it doesn't meet my expectations.
That's because I always find value in the things I buy.
That's because I know the people selling it, and I know it's something I can use.
In other words, know your business.
Know that there are things you will need to learn and invest in to run a successful business.
But other things will just distract you.
When I, or anyone else, offers you things, it may be great stuff, but it may or may not be something you need.
Only you can decide that.
It's just as foolish to refuse to buy anything b/c you're being "careful" or "prudent."
You need to have an arsenal of training and tools to put your business together.
Did you ever have a doctor who refused to "waste" money by going to medical school?
I hope not :)
So, again, here's the thing... don't just be asking me about Facebook ads because you're frustrated with what you're currently doing to get traffic or buyers.
Ask first, what you might be doing wrong in your business before just trashing your entire game plan and going off in a whole new direction.
You can do that once in a while, but if you find yourself repeating that pattern of behavior, don't asking me why you're not getting the results you want.
I just told you why.
Keep your head high, keep working your plan and make it happen.
If you're having trouble, shoot me an email about it before throwing out "the baby with the bath water."
Often, you don't need new stuff, you don't need to jump ship...
You just need a minor tweak here and there to what you're doing right now.
I'm happy to help you figure that out.
Drop me a note anytime.
That should be one of the values you get by being a subscriber to this newsletter.
Sorry this is kind of late in the mail, but I had a dental thing... very funny story...
but a story for another time.
It's nearly 9pm EST so I'd better get this out for all you folks who head to bed early.
Talk soon,
-Donna & David- Whirlwind Success
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