Subject: believing is seeing

It never fails, that when you
firmly believe something...

I mean you can really "see"
it taking shape in your
"mind's eye"...

It will be brought into being.

Yes, it takes effort, time and
all the action things.

But it all begins with your vision.

That's why one of my favorite
quotes (I think it's from Wayne
Dyer) is that "believing is seeing."

I just posted an interview with
David about the list building
training I've been telling you
about in recent days.

In a reply to one of the comments
on that post, he says this:

"Gotta focus on list building.

Whatever training or system you
follow, start by firmly implanting
the vision of your list growing
your business to the level you
know you’re ready for.

The rest will follow."

Watch the video here.

I think you'll be glad you did.

Have a great weekend.


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

PS: I promised to let you know
about a new list building group
(no-cost) I'm forming.

I'll try to do that later today,
probably on Facebook.

It's going to be really exciting.

Respond to this email if you're
interested in this project, and
I'll make sure to email you
the details when I can muster
them up :)

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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