Subject: are you getting "affiliate sales" from your blog? you should be.


It's not as hard
as you might think.

Here's the thing
about blogging.

It's not about

Even if you do
product reviews and
put your affiliate
links on you blog...

People don't visit
your blog to buy.

But they do visit
to solve their

If you have a
solution to their
problems, they
will gladly click
your review links.

But even more...

they well gladly
join your email
list because they
view you as a
source of help.

If you're an
affiliate marketer,
and you have a blog...


If you're a blogger
and you are trying
to monetize your
blog via affiliate

Then it's not as
hard as you might

You need to

1. write your blog
posts to help your
readers solve
their problems.

2. ask them to join
your email list if
they want more great
information and help.

3. offer your affiliate
products and services
within your blog posts...
but also inside of your
email newsletter.

That's it.

Not as hard as you
might have thought.

Just keep driving
lots of traffic to
your blog posts.

People will visit.

They will read your

They will join your
email list.

They will buy your
affiliate products
and service.

Just keep driving
traffic to high
quality blog posts.

The money will follow.

Talk Soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

If traffic is an issue
for you, then check out
my newly released product...

Unearth Hidden Traffic

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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