Subject: You Can Do This :)

First of all,
thank you for
all the wonderful
replies I received
to my email from

You really brightened
my day.

I love my newsletter
family... yay...

So, moving on:

I told you yesterday
that so many of you
on my email list
were asking for me,
that I'd tell you
3 things.

Where have I been?

I answered this
yesterday, so I
won't repeat it.

Why do so many people
actually care?

My answer was basically

People really care
because they know I
really care about them.

So they took notice when
I fell off the planet
for a few days.

How can YOU start
crafting your email
lists so that people
really care about
your emails?

I didn't answer this
yesterday, except to

I'm going to get deeper
into why people noticed
me slacking off from
my emails, to how YOU
can get this rapport
with your followers, too.

So that's the setup.

Here's the lesson.

Before I tell you how
to build rapport with
your email list, and
build a profit structure
into it, I'll tell you
how I've done it.

Please don't think
you should do the
same thing I've done
b/c everyone has a
different set of
circumstances and
business models.

My business is
set up fairly deep.

By that, I mean that
I don't really try
to sell stuff to my
email list, as you
know if you've been
on it for a while.

I write this email
each day (or so)
to let you in on
some of the things
I'm doing at the

It's usually business
related, but not

And a lot of the
"business" stuff is
really mindset
training more that
"build your business"

That's because that's
where my interests lie.

I don't pre-write my
emails, I send them
out the moment I write
them (except for my
starter autoresponders
that usually give you
some advanced training
on a specific topic).

So, how do I profit
from just chatting
with folks?

Like I said, my
business has a
certain depth to it.

You know that every
single email I send
has a link to my
Whirlwind Success
training at the end.

I rarely talk about
what Whirlwind Success
is or what my "VIP Club"
is all about.

But I link to it.

That's the open end to
my business.

People click that link
and join the "VIP Club"
all the time.

Or they come to my
blog and get involved,
or buy one of my products.

Now, I have several lists.

Some of them are more
directly related to my
digital products, and
I update people on my
new product releases,

But that's not what
I do on my main list.

I have one big list
that simply shares a
lot of free value and
companionship (lol).

Believe me, just doing
this drives lots of
business into my sales
funnel and people join,
buy and engage.

Even more, I get lots
of replies to my email

Many times, people ask
me about coaching with
me, or even if I have
a product about this
or that.

The relationship advances
from "list subscriber"
to "client" and/or

So, even though my
newsletters are not
overtly "salesy", they
are a major part of
building my business.


So what should you do?

First, don't try to
do what works for me
just because it works
for me.

If you have a similar
business structure with
your own products, your
own membership sites, your
own coaching programs...
like I do...

Then sure.

Steal my method.

If you don't have all
that going on though,
adapt my STYLE to build
rapport with your list.

Here's my style.

Always treat your
subscribers like they're
the most important people
in your world, because
they are.

Let them know that.

Every word you write
should be geared to
improving their lives.

Make something work
better for them.

Make something easier,
more profitable,
or understandable.

Don't pretend.

People smell a rat
when you pretend to
care but don't.

If you don't really
care, people will
stop following you.

Now, if your business
is not "deep" ...

meaning you don't have
your own products and
services and sales funnel...

then you'll probably
be trying to get your
readers to do one of
two things.

Join your business opportunity

Buy your affiliate products

That's okay.

There's nothing wrong with

I was purely an affiliate
marketer once upon a time.

You don't just build a
"deep" business overnight.

But here's the thing about
being an affiliate or network

You only earn commissions
if people buy stuff, BUT,
you can't just sell to
your list all the time.

Nobody wants to just read
a bunch of ads, which is
what your emails will
read like.

You need to still write
emails designed to improve
people's lives without
selling them anything.

Then, mix up those "value"
emails with "sales" emails.

Send 3 or 4 emails telling
people how great you feel
on your new juice diet,
for instance.

Then, send them an email
telling them how to buy
the same juicer you use,
or how to get somebody's
wonderful juicing recipe
book or whatever.

If you've got a business
for them to join, after
your value emails about
juicing, ask them if they'd
like to join your great
health company that is
based on health juices.

Of course, you can do
both, value and promo,
in the same email.

But don't look like
you're just selling.

You might try what I
do, by simply putting
a link at the end of
the email to your
company or product,
even though you didn't
promote it in your email.

This works great for me,
but again... I have my
own particular circumstances
that may be different than

For instance, I'm pretty
well known for blogging,
Periscoping, webinars,
my products etc.

When people join my list
they already know who I
am and what I'm about.

There's a high trust
level that makes them
feel comfortable clicking
on subtle links.

Will it work in your

Test, test and test.

If it does, great, if
not... move on.

You can't do this wrong
unless you either

#1 Neglect your list by
hardly ever sending them


#2 Give people the clear
impression that you just
want them to buy stuff,
and nothing else.

As long as you email your
list regularly, and only
try to sell them things
that will improve their
lives (really!)...

then you can do this :)

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.