Subject: Where's Donna?

People want to know.

Where is Donna these

Now, if you're fairly
new to this newsletter,
you might not really

That's cool.

I get it.

I'm not a raving fan
of every newsletter
I'm on, for sure.

Over time, I get a
sense for whose emails
I want to open and
whose I don't.

It's all about value,

The reason I titled
this particular
email the way I did
is that, since I've
only sent out a
couple emails over
the past 2 weeks,
I've had so many
emails asking me
where I was, what's
wrong, why aren't
I sending emails,
and some people even
asking me if they
need to sign up to
my list again in
order to get their

In essence, people
are asking...
"Where's Donna?"

Some people have even
reached out to me via
social media and asked
me where I've been.

Now, there are 3
things here.

Where have I been?

Why do so many
people actually care?

How can YOU start
crafting your email
lists so that people
really care about
your emails?

I'm not getting into
all of these issues
on this email b/c
it would just be
too long.

So, I'll give you
a quick synopsis
here, and then in
my next follow-
emails I'll break
it down a bit,
especially #3 so
YOU can get the
magic formula :)

I haven't been
sending too many
emails b/c first,
I had an accident
that gave me a

That threw me for
a loop.

If anyone's had
a concussion, you
know that it kind
of sucks the life
out of your ability
to concentrate and

It even makes you
physically exhausted
so that my 8 hour
work day was suddenly
a 1 hour work day.


Then, as I was
recovering from that,
I had to travel for
family holiday stuff.

Another half a week
blown away.

I loved it, but my
business didn't.

People really care
because they know I
really care about them.

I really do.

I know, everybody
says they care about
their customers and
clients, but I can
boast proudly that
anybody I've ever
coached, or has been
in my membership site,
or bought one of my
digital products, or
attended one of my
webinars, or read one
of my blog posts...

Anybody that's had a
chance to get to know
me a bit will tell
you that...

"Donna cares."

and "Donna really
is dedicated to helping."

It's true.

And I do.

That's why people
took notice when
I fell off the planet
for a few days.

Now this will lead
into #3, and in my
next email.

I'm going to get deeper
into why people noticed
me slacking off from
my emails, to how YOU
can get this rapport
with your followers, too.

This will really be
worth reading very

It's about as important
as anything else in
your online business.

So look for it.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success 

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.