Subject: What would you do?

Each and every day
we do have to make

I’m going to share
with you a choice I
had to make that has
nothing to do with
my business.

Want a glimpse of
the inside life
of Donna and David...
and what they had
to deal with?

Here goes:

We went to bed late.

It was a crazy day
and night for us and
we couldn’t wait to
hit the bed.

As we were on the
verge of drifting
off into sleep, we heard some rustling
and a clunk sound.

I jumped up…
”What the heck is that?”

David replied:
“Something is in the
crawl space.”

Now we don’t have an
attic in our home but
a pretty large space
under the eves of the
roof because of the
overhang style.
There is a little door
that we can open on our
bedroom and office walls
to access it.

We do have some plastic
boxes of storage there.

Sitting up in bed, I
stared at the little
door as David bravely
(also reluctantly)
got up and knocked on it.

We heard a scurry.
“I’’m out of here.
I'll sleep downstairs
on the couch” said I.

But then I got a better
idea….take the dogs
upstairs with us to
protect us from the
unknown creature behind
the wall.

A bat? A rat? A chipmunk?
Squirrel? I was a wreck.

The next day we called
an exterminator to see
what was going on but
just to visit us was
over one thousand dollars.

Right then and there
I made a CHOICE.

I am going to do this
one myself!

Errrr, with the help
of David of course.

We emptied the space.

We sent Giuseppe, my
blue tick hound, in
first, just to explore.

Hounds are great
for that :)

After sniffing around,
he pointed out the way.
David bravely (and again,
reluctantly) crawled in.

We did find that it must
be a chipmunk due to the
signs it left.

We also figured out that
because the insulation was
torn and stuffed in a corner,
this little guy was nesting.

CHOICE: What do we do?

To make a long story short,
we didn’t want to hurt the
little critter, even though
chills run up my spine at
the thought of any critter
sharing my home.

After much research and
talking to the local hardware
store people, we found a
simple solution… pine tar

Those critters hate the smell,
but it smells great to humans and because it's pure pine,
it is non toxic.

After deciding to wreck this
little home and send our
visitor away, I second
guessed myself.

Where is away?

Where will he go?

Who else will have him?

I started feeling sorry
for the little fellow as
the weather is going to turn
cold any day now.

Maybe we made the wrong choice?

Maybe we could have shared our
home with the chipmunk and his family?

Reality Check: No… co-habitating
with a chipmunk with two dogs
won’t end up well.


We all have to make them,
in business, but yes,
even in our daily lives.

Oh yea…
tune in next time to see
the choice we had to make
in our yard.

So, as 2015 draws to an
end, think about some
of the big choices you
made during the year.

How did they turn out?

Think, too, of some of
the new ones facing you
now, that will impact
your 2016 business and

If you'd like to share
them with me, I'm
always happy to hear
from you!

Just hit the Reply and
let me know what choices
you're facing right now.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

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