Subject: [VIP Club] Q&A Notification for Tuesday

Good Monday...

Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

Here's our schedule for this week.

Q&A Session will be Tuesday, April 21 at 4:00 pm. EST

You don't have to register, just check for your email
tomorrow after 1:00 EST, and the link to the Live Q&A
session will be emailed to you.


As usual, if you have questions you'd like us to answer
during the Q&A, you must get them to us no later than
10:00 AM (EST) Tuesday April 21. Otherwise they may get
pushed off until next week.

Reply to this email with any questions you might like
answered on tomorrow's Q&A.

Alternate: Send your questions to us on the Skype Hotline.

Note: If you don't have any questions, just jump on the
Q&A anyway. See what other members are asking. You'll
almost always hear a question that you've been wondering
about, but just haven't got around to asking already.

You WILL learn stuff, so attend!


As you know, the Q&A sessions are Live Events.

If you cannot attend, we make every effort to put the
recordings in your "VIP Club Members" area. However, as
you know, technology is nothing more than technology.

It's not always perfect, so try to attend live... just in case.

That said, our best intention is to post the recording
in your members area by Wednesday, the day following the
Live Event.

Hope to see you Tuesday at 4pm EST!


-Donna & David Merrill

Skype: WhirlwindSuccessHotline