Subject: [VIP Club] New Training Notification

"Start Coaching" workshop
has just received an update.

This particular training
shows you how to use
Google Hangouts for your
coaching program.

In this case, we talk about
delivering a coaching program,
but the same methods can be
used to deliver free products,
paid products or private
training modules.

Remember, and this is important.

Even if you are NOT interested
in starting a coaching program,
the skills you will be learning
in this workshop can be applied
to so many areas of your online

So pay careful attention to each
training in this workshop.

People spend literally thousands
of dollars for this kind of
intensive training, and despite
the title... it's about way more
than "just" coaching.

If you have questions about how
to apply any of this to your
SPECIFIC business model, drop us
a line and we'll connect with
you about it.


We have posted this latest
Training to the members area.

It's called:

"Start Coaching"
(Part 3e)
Google Hangouts

If you haven't yet watched
parts 3a, 3b 3c and 3d, I
suggest you do that first.

The "Start Coaching" workshop
modules can all be found in
the section titled "Trainings"
on your member's home page.

=== +++ ===

As I've mentioned before,
this training is being done
in a different format
than we typically use.

It's an ongoing workshop
consisting of a series of

The workshop has been
developing in response to your
questions and comments.

We haven't done a formal Q&A
session on it, yet, but that
will probably get done in time.

For the most part, though, we'll
be answering questions right
within the trainings, rather
than having a separate Q&A.

That means that the training
is being designed to be more
responsive to what you actually
tell us you want to know.

So ASK QUESTIONS as you go
through the trainings.

Do it as you always do.

Simply send them to this email or
post them on the Skype Hotline.

Like always, we're here to help you
with immediate questions at any time,
but your course-related questions will
be addressed within the trainings.

So, we won't be having separate
Q&A sessions while this special
course is ongoing.

But again... I'm repeating myself
to make sure you understand this...

We're here to help you with immediate
questions on any topic at any time.

Send us your questions and we will
get back to you promptly.

FINALLY, this...

We started the VIP Club just about
a year ago now.

This service has really resonated
with our clients, not just because
of the on going trainings, but
MOSTLY because we are always here
to help you get to the next level.

And we make ourselves available in
many ways, even by telephone when
people need it.

If you're stuck in your business,
let us know and we'll help you
move forward.

This is clearly a distinction from
all the other "member sites" that
has been earning the VIP Club some
great reviews and testimonials.

We thank you for your support in
our first year.

As a loyal client and member of ours,
rest assured that your current rate
is locked in.

I mention this because...

Very soon (hopefully in November),
we'll be raising the price.

You may see our new promotions for
a price quite a bit higher than
what you're paying.

BUT... as a current member,
your price is locked in.

As the VIP Club increases its
services and raises its prices, be
assured that, because you are a
member now, your price is locked in.

It will not increase for you.

Never, as long as you maintain
your uninterrupted membership.

It's been an exciting first year
and it's only going to get better.


So, there's a lot coming down the
pike, and it's going to be pretty
exciting for you all.

Meanwhile, if you've not yet booked
your free Strategy Session... do it!

Members always tell us how helpful
this is for them, so don't lose
out on this free coaching.

Talk Soon,

-Donna & David Merrill-

Skype: WhirlwindSuccessHotline
Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.