Subject: This "ends" at midnight Tonight (no exceptions)

If you have not
yet taken action,
I want to give you
one more chance.

All the spots have
been taken, but
I'm going to give
everyone ONE
last chance to
get in on this

I know it's been
holidays and I
actually only told
you about this on
New Years eve... haha

So, if you're still
recovering from
the holidays, you
have one more

But it's now or
never for this
special "coach
with me" offer.

Here's the email I sent
out a few hours back.

NOTICE: it says there
are 3 spots left but
that was then and
this is now.

There are no spots
left and if you do not
get in by midnight...
then it's over.

We cannot book
anyone else
after midnight.

Here's the details:

Here's my email from 
earlier today...

It's no secret.

The best way to get
ahead in this business
is to work closely with
a live coach.

I'll make it simple.

Talk to somebody who
can help you, or,
6 months down the line...

you'll almost certainly
be in the very same
place you're in now.

Ready to move forward?

I'm running a very
special coaching offer
for you right now.

Be Warned, though...

There's only 3 spots
left (out of 25).

The it's gone.

If you have not heard about
this... what I called
"My Big Special Offer"...

Keep reading ==>

We only have 3 spots
left, and they'll
undoubtedly get taken
up as soon as this
email goes out.

BTW, I kept this sweet
little offer "private"
which means I didn't
post it anywhere online
except right here, on
this email list.

If you were not a
subscriber of mine, you
would never have seen

But you are!

So, this if for you...

We sent this out on
New Year's eve.

Happy New Year, BTW.

Our New Year's Eve
Gift For Your

Rewind to Thursday
Night (12-31-2015):

Just a few hours
into 2016.

David spent last night
talking about something
special (and different)
we could do.

We want to kick off
2016 in a big way in
our business.

And we will.

But we'd like to take
a few of our friends
along with us.

So we're making a
special offer to our
email list that we've
only done with our
top buyers lists in
the past.

You see, we will put
our big business plans
into action right away
in 2016 because we
have an exact blueprint
in place.

That's really the big
thing you need to make
2016 your special year.

The other thing you
need is momentum.

Have you got the
momentum to make things
happen big and fast this


Here's how we'll help.

But, I'm sorry to say
that we're only able
to do this for the
first 25 people to
sign up.

First come,
First serve.


No exceptions.

We are going to work
personally, one on one,
in a single coaching
session with you, if
you're one of those
first 25 people.

Here's what we'll
do for you:

1. Help you put together
a specific financial goal
for 2016.

2. We'll give you the
exact steps you'll need
to take to achieve that goal.

3. We'll design, for you, a
Blueprint, a step by step of
what to do and when, to reach
your financial goal.

That's it.

That's everything, though.

Have you achieved your past
financial goals?

Have you gone into past
years with a precise Blueprint
for achieving those goals?

Well, in 2016, you can
do that.

Have you started previous
years knowing exactly what
to do?

Have you started previous
years with the momentum
of moving forward with
perfect clarity and
precise marching orders?

Well, you CAN start out
your 2016 in this way.

Don't wait til April to
have just half an idea of
where you're heading.

We are only doing this
in January.

It's not a regular part
of our coaching program.

Only for New Years...

you can purchase a special
60 Minute Blueprint Session
With Us for just $99.

One payment for one
session for one single

to make 2016 YOUR year
to finally achieve your
financial goals.

We don't ever get on a
one-on-one call with
a coaching client for
less than $497... and
that price is going up
to $697 real soon.

So this is a very
special offer at a
very special price.

If you're one of the first
25 clients who want to do this . . .

Just click the link
below to sign up, and
make your one time
$99 payment to "Mind
Over Matter of NY" which
is our corporate paypal

I promise you'll have your
personalized Blueprint for
the year when we finish the
call, so you can hit the
ground running in 2016.

(After you make your payment,
reply to this email to tell me
you made your payment. I'll
get back in touch with you
and tell you how we'll get
started. Then either David
or I will get on the phone
or Skype with you to do
the coaching session.)

Based on my experience,
I'm confident that these
sessions will book fast.

So, if you're interested,
take action now.

Oh yea, another thing...
the faster you notify
us that you're signed
up and ready to go, the
earlier in January we
will book your session.

All sessions will be
done in January so you
can get this year going.

It's going to be a big
undertaking for us, and
that's why we must limit
it to 25 people.

The good part of this is
that we're sure to get
25 highly motivated
people instead of fence
sitters and procrastinators
who complain that they're
not reaching their goals,
but never make a commitment
to make it happen.


if you're not ready and
willing to make a real
commitment to doing the
things we'll show you,
then please don't sign
up. You'll only waste
your money and our time,
and most important,
you'll take a spot that
someone else could have


if you're already doing
just great in your online
business, and have been
having no problem reaching
your financial goals, then
this is not something you
should sign up for.

It's really for folks who
just don't know how to
get the ball rolling, are
confused, and need to
get some direction and
build momentum.

So, I'd really like to
work with those folks on
this special project.

If you've never taken
decisive action to put
your financial plans into
reality, you'll find this
an exhilarating experience.

Happy New Year... 2016!


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success


If you're ready to do this . . .

Just click the link
below to sign up.

Make your $99 payment to
"Mind Over Matter of NY"
which is our corporate
paypal account.

Then "Reply" to this email
and tell me you're ready
to schedule your coaching

Let's do it!

Remember, we're down
to only 3 spots left.

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.