Subject: (Private) for my "network marketer" students

You know who you are, all my
loyal "network marketing" students,
and coaching clients.

I have you in mind, today...
especially from the many questions
I got from the "Pump Up Your Blog"
webinar I did earlier this week.

Yay... you network marketers really
came out of the woodwork, didn't you.

So, I'll be answering your questions
about how to use blogging to build
your primary business, to get prospects
on a daily basis, and to convert them
into downlines.

Even what to do with them once they're
on your team!

But, I think you should really check
this out, in the meanwhile.

It's the best techniques you'll find
anywhere, I can tell you for sure.

Go through this very carefully,
then let me know if you've got more

(I'm sure you will)

I'm waiting to hear from you
after you go through this.

Talk Soon,

-Donna & David Merrill-
Whirlwind Success

PS: Keep this private, though. We don't
want to tip off your competition :)
Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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