Subject: My "Lost Weekend" (almost)

I was putting together
a new digital product
funnel this weekend.

There was a problem,

It was a Big Problem,

I had my front-end
product in place, with
a single upsell.

It all seemed simple

Then, I realized that
the platform I was
using had changed it's
payment processing

To make a very long
story, very short...

It was technical

I tried "this"...

I tried "that"...

I was wringing my
hands in frustration
because nothing worked.

Now, here's my

I do work with a
coach who helps me
through things
like this, as well
as to plot longer
term strategies.

The problem is, my
coach wasn't around
this holiday weekend
(Columbus Day in
the U.S.).

I knew that b/c I
had been in touch
with him earlier
in the week and
he told me he'd
be gone.

I got so fed up with
trying to make this
funnel work, that
I sent him an email
and asked him to
get back to me as
soon as possible
on Tuesday.


He answered me in
and hour.

He was just going
over some emails
and noticed my
plea... and shot
me off a quick

I thought my
weekend was lost.

The "Lost Weekend."

You might think
that doesn't sound
like a big deal,
but I had this
funnel connected
to a paid promotional
campaign that was
running and all my
advertising dollars
would have gone
down the drain
because the thing
I was promoting
wouldn't be there!

As it turns out,
his answer was on
the money (it was
only 3 sentences!).

I corrected my
entire process
and the weekend
was anything but

Now, the reason
it was "saved" is
because I'm
enrolled in some
very high level
coaching that pays
off for me over
and over again.

I mention this to
you because we have
our own coaching
program that can
save you tons of
trouble, give you
clear direction on
where you're heading
with your business,
and always keep you
moving forward...

...just when you need
that push or helping
hand the most.

This is our newest 
coaching program.

It was designed mainly
for those on a budget,
who can't really afford
the higher price of our
top tier coaching program.

It gives budget minded
folks a way to stay in
the game.

When you enroll in our
new "email coaching"
program, you get the
benefits of our
one-on-one coaching,
through a dedicated
email line.

Budget Email Coaching

Check it out.

I look forward to working
personally with you real

Any questions?

Hit "REPLY"...

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Budget Email Coaching
Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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