Subject: My "Friday Focus Group" on Saturday

It's Saturday, but I sent
this out a bit late last

So here's the re-run==>

If you get to Friday
evening each week
and wonder if you're
any better off than
you were Monday...

this is probably why.

You most likely woke up
Monday and had absolutely
no idea how to start your

So you might have thought
like this.

"I need to write a blog
post sometime this week.
I should do it today and
put it in the "done"

But you didn't do it,
did you?

Maybe you decided to check
out Yahoo News to see
what happened over the
weekend while you were
binge watching 2 seasons
of the Walking Dead.

Just for a few minutes.

2 hours later, you were
ready for a break from
the computer.

A "work" break.

So, you closed Yahoo News
and went shopping to stock
the fridge.

After lunch, you opened
your computer and stared
at it.

"What should I do now?
I really want to start
making money online, so
I'll do a few Google
searches for... let's
see... how about this"

and you typed
"make money online"
into your browser.

Your deadline to publish
that blog post was Friday
morning so, now that it's
almost 8pm Friday night...
maybe it's about time to
get started.

White page.

"What should I write about?"


Does this sound familiar?

I know I've done it.

I don't do it any more,
but there was a time when
I did it a lot.

Things have changed for

If you get stuck like
this, things can change
for you, too.

It begins here.

KNOW what you'll be doing
with your week before your
week even starts.

That's the whole purpose
of this Friday Focus
newsletter... to remind
you to write out a Friday
"blueprint" that you'll
work from in the following

You can read below for
more about the Friday
blueprint if you don't
know what I'm talking

Then, there's this.

Know that when you do
something, like write
a blog post, it has
a purpose.

In some way, that blog
post will help bring in

Subscribers to your list,
buyers for your affiliate
program... something.

If you're not understanding
how that simple little
blog post will position you
to earning some profits...

you're probably not too
motivated to write that
blog post.

When you clearly...

clearly see...

HOW that blog post is
just one little piece
in your "online biz"

You won't want to be
peeking at Yahoo News,
Facebook or anything

At least, not until
you've got that blog
post done and ready to
make you some income.

Now, that's exciting.

When you make ten bucks
from your sales funnel,
you're excited.

When you multiply that
10 times... every single
day... it's really exciting.

Partly because you've just


This is possible.

Very possible.

If you can clearly focus
every single Friday on
how all the things you
are going to do next
week will give you a
chance to improve your
earnings, you can make
it happen.

And you can make it
happen very very big.

Once you get the tiniest
success in your online
business, it gets so easy
to compound it... to
"scale" it 10x - 100x
and much more.

But it starts here.

It starts with focus.

Consistently focusing on
achieving exactly what
you want.

Consistent means doing it
on a regular basis.

Check back here every
Friday for your Friday focus
and make it all happen.

Now, time to jot down
your Friday Blueprint
if you haven't yet.


If you're new, here,
then you can read about
this Friday Focus Group
and my Friday Blueprint
concept below.

If you're a regular to
this group, you know
that I love to hear
the things that you're
involved in.

And I'm always interested
to see what your Blueprint
for this week looks like.

Hit the Reply.

Tell me about it.

I look forward to
hearing from you.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

================== >>
If you're new to
my newsletter...

Here's what my
"Friday Focus Group"
is all about.

This was the first
email I sent out
introducing folks
to it.
================== >>

This is not a "group"
in the official sense.

I didn't wake up and
say "I think I'll start
this thing..."

But I've been talking
some lately about how
I use Friday as a focus

I create my Blueprint for
the next week each Friday.

Then, starting Monday
morning, I know exactly
what I've got to do in
order to accomplish my
goals for the week.

On a larger scale, I see
my weekly goals as baby
steps toward achieving
my "Big Goal".

I usually set a "Big Goal"
as a 6 to 8 week goal that
I really want to reach.

That, of course, is a milestone
toward achieving my big, big,
big goal... operating a
successful online business.

Now, to operate a successful
online business, it is necessary
to constantly strive to reach
my "Big Goals."

So you see, it's all too big
to do unless I put all my focus
on one week at a time.

That's what my Friday Blueprint
is for.

It keeps me from developing a
"wandering eye" or "jumping
the fence" for each new thing
that looks intriguing or easy.

==> Here's the thing.

I'm rambling.

Let me stop and tell you what
this email is about.

Lots of folks who are on my
email list = thanks for your
loyalty :) =

Lot of folks on my list have
been replying to my emails to
tell me about their goals and
their own "Friday Blueprints."

Then they follow up and tell
me how it's progressing.

A few people have been doing
this every single Friday.

They tell me their goals for
the next week one Friday.

The next Friday, they report
back and tell me how they did,
plus... what their new Blueprint
is for the next week.

So they've kind of established
an accountability relationship
with me right from this email

And I've seen them grow through
doing this, plus, I give some
feedback from time to time.

(Hey! I usually charge for my
email coaching, so you get a
little freebie here for being
my loyal sub, heehee)

That's it, really.

You wanna play?

Just reply to any of my Friday
emails and tell me what your
Blueprint is for next week.

Then, make yourself accountable
to me (and to yourself)... by
letting me know how you made out
with it, where you slacked off,
where you exceeded your goals,

Nothing formal.

Nothing to sign up for.

Just do it!

I'll be happy to be your support
and accountability partner.

Send me your Friday Blueprint
right now.

I love my weekend reading :)

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.