Subject: I've just added "Coaching part 5" to your membership site

We've just added
some new content
to your free VIP CLUB
membership site.

You can see it by
clicking this link:

To access the
new training, click
the link called:

= Start Your Own Coaching Program =

The new addition is
"How To Coach"

We show you how to
actually conduct a
live coaching session
with your client.

While you're there,
you can also check
out the other
trainings we have

This is the 5th
installment of the
"coaching" module.

More to come soon.

I suggest you check
out each section as
we post it.

If you wait until you
feel like going over
all of the training,
you'll probably feel
overwhelmed with
too much to catch
up on.

So, for today, check
out the section on
"How To Coach"...

Coming up next in
the "Coaching" module,
we'll show you how to
deliver your coaching
program to your clients.


Remember, we're developing
this training site according
to what you're telling us
you want to know about.

So, don't be shy.

This site is for YOU,
not us.

Tell us what you want,
what you like, what
you don't like.

That's how we'll shape
this into something truly
beneficial to you.

One more time:
here is your access link:

Visit your WWS "VIP Club"
member's area now, and as
often as you like.

I'll see you there.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success


PS: Is there something
special you're stuck
with in your business?

Reply to this email
and tell us, we'll
try to craft a training
to help you and all
the other members who
can benefit from it.

Just hit "Reply" to
this email and let
us know what you'd
like us to give you
help with.
Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.