Subject: I'm feeling better today

I got a good night's sleep
after letting you know about
the big launch for John Thornhill's
Launch Control Center.

Seriously, this is the best
thing you can do at this
very minute, IF

If you're ready to create
your own ebook or other
digitial product.

If you plan to do it soon.

If you even just dream about
creating your own online
product but think it's just
way too hard.

Yeah I know that sounds like
a lot of hype, but it's not.

The simple truth is, you need
to invest in your business to
make it a massive success.

There's no faster way to achieving
massive success online, than
by creating your own product.

Now, my good friend John has
a really special thing going
on with his "Launch Control

I gave you all the details in
yesterday's email.

You can also click here to see
exactly what's in it for you...

Launch Control Center

Here is a quick outline of what
you will get when you join the
ranks of the Launch Control Center:

- An extremely low cost, highly
informative membership site with
all the information you need to
create your own product, and
then launch it
- Personal training to develop
your skills
- Group training in the Launch
Control private Facebook Group
- Expert case studies
- Personal support
-Product launch advertising

And much much more.

You'll just get so much value
from the Launch Control Center
for such a low low investment.

Take a look at the video below
and see exactly what is going on.

I can't tell you exactly the
pricing on this because it
keeps changing from minute
to minute.

The earlier you get in, the
cheaper it is.

So do it now.


Check out my "PS" section below to
see my special "bonus" offer for you
if you do decide to join me in the
Launch Control Center.

Remember, of course,

Please, don't be buying stuff you
don't need.

I never "sell" you stuff, I only
offer you things that I think can
really improve your business.

If you want to create online
products, this is a great,
great buy.

If not, then keep your hands
in your pockets :)

Talk soon,


-Donna & David Merrill-
Whirlwind Success

PS #1: for launch week only you can
claim an amazing bonus worth $297.
But remember this is for launch week

PS #2: (my Bonus)
I am a regular dues paying member
of the Launch Control Center.

And I'm very happy to be one.

That's why I'm happy and proud to
affiliate this offer.

If you join in with me today, as
a special bonus... I'll work with
you personally to promote your
finished product by offering it to
my peronal list of subscribers, and
personally introducing you to them.

I've got a few other things I'll do
to help you, but we'll talk about
that after you've joined me in
John's group.


My Bonus Disclaimer:
(1) Your product must be high
quality (if you follow John's training
that comes with your membership, it
should be).
(2) Your product has to be something that
would add value to my lists of internet
marketers and bloggers.

That determination will be solely up
to me.

But keep in mind, I'm happy to promote
things that my friends create, when I
see they can add value to my readers
and followers.

So, keep my happy.

1. Join me in John's training group.

2. Send me your receipt when you do.

3. Let's get on the phone for 15 minutes
and chat about your plans to put this into

It all starts here: