Subject: I don't want to brag, but...


I just have to tell you
what was going on the
other day in this crazy
head of mine.

I mean, this is really
not anything to be
bragging about, anyway.

It's just a realization.

An "aha" thought I had.

Let me explain.

One word: Expectation

As I was reaching out to
some family members for
an upcoming "occasion,"

I realized something.

Most of them are in
the same place they were
when we were kids.

Same financial situation,
same worries, same problems.

Most of them are even
living in the same
house, same neighborhood,
same friends, same gossip.

They even told me the
same stories I've heard
for years.

I was always the
“black sheep” of the
family because I was
odd to them.

A long time ago I
realized I didn’t care
about all the family
expectations of me.

Heck, all I could
ever be is me.

So….I was looking
around my home and
watching the dogs
play in the yard while
I talked on the phone
to some family folks.

People would tell me
"you're so lucky, I'm
still stuck in this
crummy apartment" and
things like that.

I realized this...
that the only way I
got here was because
I EXPECTED to have my
own home, with a huge
yard for my dogs to
safely romp and play in.

Many of my family and
even friends, are still
STUCK in the same place,
same lifestyle, same
complaints... and they
really believe it's just
because I'm lucky and
they are not.

They spend years and
even decades deluding
themselves to expect
nothing less.

And because of their
low expectations, they
never change…never get
out of their box and
try something new.

They have the 9 to 5
mentality and just love
living in ==>
“the old neighborhood.”

They actually pride
themselves on that.

But guess what.

The old neighborhood ain't
what it used to be.

It's changed, even while
they have not.

I guess they are blind
to that.

I mean, my old neighborhood
in Brooklyn... it was just
great decades ago, but it
looks like someone dumped
garbage in the streets now.

The trees are cut down.

The stores aren’t the same.

The homes got all chopped
up into three story apartments.


I expected more than this.

I wanted to experience living
in different places.

I refused to get tied down
to a neighborhood, lifestyle
or even way of thinking.

And this is how I've lived
my entire adult life.

I moved around to places
that suited my needs.

I expected to have my
daughter in a good school
so I moved where I could
make that happen for her.

I expected that when she
went off to college I could
move on, so I did.

I moved to a place that
was cool and funky.

Had great restaurants and
nature -

I purchased a home by
a waterfall.

When that neighborhood
no longer suited my needs,
I moved again.

This time I got the urge
to live by the beach.

I didn't want to live "on"
the beach (I'm always afraid
of a tidal wave, haha)

So, yea, I found the
perfect place a couple
miles from the beach.

So Here I Am.

There they stay.

So, I realized something

When we expect something,
it is like the law of
attraction on speed...

We get it!

Yes, we always get what
we expect.

Not what we want, need
or wish for... but what
we truly expect without
questions, without a
moment's hesitation or
second thought.

So I ask you to dig
deep in your mind today.

What are you expecting?

What are you getting?

Do you expect that
you can change your
life right now?

What would it feel like
if you could?

People ask me what I "do"
for an online business.

I tell them I sit at
home and work my own
business on the computer.

But they want to know
"what"... exactly what
do I do.

I tell them the truth.

I help people change
their lives.

How would you like to
change your life?

How could a successful
online business help
you to have a new,
more satisfying life?

Or do you expect that
it is impossible...
only for lucky people.

I'd love to hear your

Hit the reply to let
me know how you'd like
to change your life.

Or, just say "hi"...

Hope you're having a
great Tuesday.
Talk Soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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