Subject: How much is too much?

This is one of the
most common questions
I get from coaching
clients as well as
from e-class and
webinar attendees.

How much is too much?

In other words, how
much should they
be spending on running
an online busines, and
where should they draw
the line.

If you're wondering
about this... and I
think we all do...

Here's my answer.

You need to first
decide exactly what
success looks like to

Do you want a certain
monthly income?

What is it?

Do you want to get
a book published?

Do you want to be
a top authority
blogger in your

Do you want to build
a coaching business?

Whatever it is that
YOU want to achieve,
now work it backwards.

How many people have
to buy your book,
join your coaching
program, friend you
on Facebook or whatever
you "success goal" is?

Next, figure out how
many people you must
reach on a monthly,
weekly, daily basis.

Then figure out how
you'll reach them.

Paid ads?

Blog posts?

Free social media

Then, figure out what
it will cost you to
get that kind of

I'm not talking about
paid ads only, but
also your infrastructure.

Do you need a website.

What's the cost?

Do you need hosting,
and autoresponder and
sales page software.

These are all basic
essentials to just
about any online business.

What will those things
cost you?

Add this all up and
it's pretty much what
you can expect for
your "operating

That's what is should
cost just to have your
business up and running.

Then, unless you know
everything about making
that business profitable,
you'll have to decide
on a budget for acquiring
the information you need.

This comes in, basically,
two forms.

You can buy courses and
software to help you get
the information you need
and put systems in place.

Or, you can hire a coach
to guide you to the
success you want.

It's up to you.

Many people use both

As for costs, coaching
is generally pretty
expensive and can easily
run into thousands of
dollars a month.

But you can also get far
more manageable coaching,
and keep those costs down.

If you'd like to work
with me as a coach, I can
give you some great and
very affordable options.

Now, when you buy courses
and software, you can
spend literally any amount
of money imaginable.

You can buy training for
$7 or $5000. And anywhere
in between.

So how much should you

I strongly believe that
coaching is a far more
affordable way to go than
buying endless streams of
trainings that may or may
not address what YOU need
to know.

Software sometimes works
for your busines, sometimes
not, and it almost always
takes a lot of tech know-how,
and a lot of time to even
figure out whether or not
it's something you can use.

So my answer...

Basic business setup like
hosting, autoresponder and
sales page plugins or
software are absolutely a
must if you're at all
serious about this.

But the costs for those
things is not tremendous.

Then, to learn what you
need to do to put all that
together into a successful
business model, the long
and expensive way is to
keep shooting in the dark
by buying tons of courses.

The more direct, cheaper
in the long run method is
to find a good coach and
let them show you what the
best approach is for "your
particular business."

Certainly, you'll want and
need to buy some courses,
trainings and software.

But I'd let your coach
guide you along that
path, rather than you
just guessing at what
you should invest in.

So, happy investing.

Keep it real...

Let me know if I can
help, or if you have
some specific questions
about this.

Hit "REPLY" :)

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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