Subject: Here's "my secret plan" for getting "far more success" in 2016 that I did this year (you could use this, too)

First of all,
I hope you've
been having a
great great
holiday season.

I've been kind
of scarce online
for the last week
or so.

That's because
I've been working
on my secret plan
for getting far
more success in
2016 that I did
in 2015.

My plan is really
pretty simple.

But, believe me,
it is powerful and
it really works.

If you swipe this
plan and make it
your own, it will
work for you, too.

Here it is.


I spend some time
going over my
accomplishments in


I look at what I
failed to accomplish
that I wanted to.


I decide WHY I failed.


I change the way I
do things so that I
can convert my failures
into successes.

That's the secret plan.

If you've been failing
to accomplish certain
things in your business,
there is a reason.

Don't just keep telling
yourself "maybe I'll
get that e-book written
this year" or "I'm going
to get more traffic to
my blog this year."

Instead, carefully
scrutinize WHY you
failed to do those
things in 2015, even
though you knew how
important they were.


and here's the trick...

Change your method of

Change how you do things.

Get on track with the
right mindset, the best
tactics and the top
strategies that will
put you over the top
in 2016.

THEN, do them!

Put them into action.

You'll be amazed at how
high you'll be able to
fly in 2016.

If you'd like to join
me and David as we
put some of the
strategies that work
into play in 2016...

then join us for a
whole bunch of ongoing,
no-cost training we'll
be doing.

It costs nothing.

Sign Up Here ==>

If you've already


Keep your eyes open.

Lots of good things
will be happening
there in 2016 :)

If you haven't joined
us yet, do it now ==>

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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