Subject: Get 7 Lead Magnets ... All "Done For You!" (crazy sweet)

I've got something "crazy
sweet" for you today.

How many times have you
heard that the way to get
on the affiliate leader-board
is to 'mail your list'?

Easier said than done
if you don't have a
great list, right?

Now you can, and it's
all automated for you
from a couple people
I can really vouch for.

See the automated,
done for you Lead Magnets
they've put together
for you.

I've told you this before,
and you know it's true.

You KNOW that to break into
the top leader-boards and
actually make serious money
online you are going
to have to build yourself
a list of excited,
eager subscribers waving
their cash at you and
begging to buy your products.

Which sounds great in theory.

Except until now it's been
hard, REALLY hard to actually
do this.

That's because you don't
have the lead magnets at
your fingertips to grab
those eager subscribers.

Yea, you could create one
or two of them for yourselves.

I've done it.

You've seen me do it on
my blog with the "Blogging
Fever" offer and some
others that I've put
together myself.

But it takes time and
you're never sure what
will work and what won't.

The ideal solution would
be to have someone else
create a complete funnel
for you.

The squeeze pages,
follow up emails,
giveaway products,
all the hard stuff...

basically hand you
on a silver platter.

Done, dusted and
ready to go.

And at a price
you could afford.

Well guess what?

That's exactly what
my friends, Jonathan
and Sharon at the
"Wealthy PLR" team
have done.

Check it out:

Not one but *7* red-hot
lead capture funnels.

Done for you... with state
of the art high quality
reports to give away.

super-optimised, high-converting
squeeze pages, ready to go
monetization to start profits
flowing instantly into your

They've got super-sexy graphics,
and even powerful follow-up
email sequences (I know you
struggles with that) just ready
to cut and paste.

And more.

All Done For You.

Many of our students ask us
how to build a profitable list
and do it fast, and even easy.

Well, here it is.

This is how leaders in this
industry get things done fast.

You literally just unpack,
upload and you can have
*SEVEN* high-profit,
list-exploding funnels online
and working within minutes.

And the best part?

You get PLR rights to all
SEVEN funnels!

That means you can
readily edit them,
change them, add to

whatever it takes to
make them "your own
creations" that you
can proudly stick your
name on.

Here's something I
really like...

Availability is limited
to restrict the number
of people who have access
to these powerful ready
made Lead Magnets.

So if you want to
start getting that
money-making list built
and pumping profits into
your account, I urge you
not to delay.

Go grab your copy now
before the price rises or
it sells out.

This could be the key
that unlocks your dream of
internet marketing success
at last.

Don't miss your chance.

As a bonus for picking this
up today, I'll give you
access to my private email
coaching program for a full
month... more than enough
time to ensure that you
get the most out of this.

When you buy this PLR
package, just return to
this email, hit the reply
button, and send me your

I'll hook you up with your
private coaching so we can
work on this together.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

PS. The typical internet marketer
spends months or years learning,
and struggling, and NEVER making
a penny.

Many of them just give up, defeated,
frustrated and broke because they never
built a profitable list. Don't let that
be you. Decide to succeed ==>
Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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