Subject: Generate Traffic #2

If you have no list, or a very
small one, your problem may be finding
ways to drive traffic to your opt-in

The 2nd best traffic generation method
I want to tell you about is Solo Ads
(#1 being JV Giveaways, that we talked
about in a previous email).

Solo Ads can drive tons of traffic
to your squeeze page on an ongoing

When done right, this method can
help you build a very responsive list
of people interested in your niche.

When your subscribers are highly
targeted for your niche, they will
have a heightened interest in
buying your products and services.

In other words, they won't just be
"on" your list, they'll pay attention
and be responsive to your emails.

There are (2) Types of Solo Ads.

First, there are the kind that you
pay for. So you might find a solo
ad provider, pay her $85 and be
guaranteed 140 clicks to your
squeeze page.

There is no guarantee people will
sign up once they get to your
squeeze page, but you are guaranteed
that 140 (in this example) will see it.

That's very targeted traffic, indeed.

The second type of solo ad is known
as an Ad Swap.

An ad swap costs you nothing, so you
have nothing to lose.

However, the traffic you get may
not be as high quality as that
from paid solo ads.

To do ad swaps, you must have your
own email list that you are willing
to send out an email to, offering
your subscribers to check out your
swap partner's free offer.

In exchange, your partner sends
out an email to his list,
introducing your free offer, and
inviting folks to click onto your
squeeze page link.

Obviously, the best way to swap
email ads like this is for two
partners to accept an arranged
and mutual obligatian to send
out the same number of emails.

If I email my partner's offer to
500 people on my list, it is because
my partner has agree to send an
email on my behalf to 500 people
on her list.

The more ad swaps like this I
can arrange, the more traffic
I will drive to my squeeze page,
which of course, contains my
opt-in offer.

Be mindful, you don't want to do
it too much because then you'll
be committed to sending so
many emails promoting your partners'
offers, that it may weary your
own subscribers.

But done right, Ad Swaps are a
great way to generate an endless
stream of traffic, which you
convert into lots of subscribers
in a very short amount of time.

As always, feel free to reply
to this email with any questions
or observations you may have
on this matter.

I'll discuss one more power traffic
method in my next email in this
short "traffic generation" series.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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