Subject: "Friday Focus Group"

You feel the stress
and the pain.

You feel overwhelmed
and incapable.

You start, then

You crumble the paper
and toss it into the
trash bin.

Or, you delete the

You just sat down to
start a big project...

or a small or medium

Maybe your first ebook,
or maybe your next
blog post.

Whatever it is you're
trying to accomplish,
it's not happening.

But wait...

If you get this done,
your life just got
better, didn't it?

And suddenly... you
feel better.

And even more, you
just got a ton more
clarity and focus
on what you need to
do next.

The secret==>

If you're project can
be done in less than
2-3 hours, great.

That's certainly
enough time to write
a great blog post,
for instance.

... or week's worth
of emails to your

... or a video
training you can
offer for a free
lead magnet.

... etc.

If it's can't be
done in 2-3 hours,
break your bigger
project into 3 hour

If I'm doing a new
course on how to
do xyz, I write an

Part 1, 2, 3, 4.

Let's say each part
requires 6 hours to

That's a total of
24 hours in production.

Whew... that's a lot
of work.

But you can clearly
break that into 8
3 hour work blocks.

Here's how to focus
on it to get it done.

Forget part 1, 2, 3, 4.

Take the first half
of part 1.

That's 3 hours of focused

Now, here's the secret.

Sit down for 3 hours
and do it.

It can be good, bad or
something in between.

But shut out and shut
off ALL distractions and
don't allow yourself to
get out of your seat
until that 3 hour project
is done.

Voila... it's done.

Do this 8 days in a row
and guess what?

That huge project you've
been thinking about doing
for half a year or more
is done... in just 8 days.

That's just one example.

If you need 2-3 hours to
do your blog post, use
the same method.

Sit down, don't get up
until it's done.

If it takes 2 hours, great.

If it takes 4, then you'll
do it because you've committed
to it.

The key is to get it done.

That's focus.

When you're all done, then
and only then...

go back and edit and
add images or a video
or whatever it takes
to make a good project
into an awesome one.

You've done it.



Feel the pain and
work through it.

I guarantee you'll
be amazed at the
focus you develop,
and by how much more
productive you become.

Now, guess what I
could do with this
little exercise.

I could add a video
or two, maybe turn
it into a 5 step
"system" and sell it
to you for 7, 17, 27
maybe even 37 bucks.

But no...

It's for you, because
you're on my list and
I love you for it!

So, I love giving you
free stuff that will
make your life better.

Give it a whirl.

Share your production
outline with me, even.

I'll give you some
feedback on it.

Just hit the Reply
to this email :)

I look forward to
hearing from you,
as usual.

Have a great Halloween

Hope you don't get
rained out.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

================== >>
==> Here's what my
"Friday Focus Group"
is all about.
================== >>

This is not a "group"
in the official sense.

I didn't wake up and
say "I think I'll start
this thing..."

But I've been talking
some lately about how
I use Friday as a focus

I create my Blueprint for
the next week each Friday.

Then, starting Monday
morning, I know exactly
what I've got to do in
order to accomplish my
goals for the week.

On a larger scale, I see
my weekly goals as baby
steps toward achieving
my "Big Goal".

I usually set a "Big Goal"
as a 6 to 8 week goal that
I really want to reach.

That, of course, is a milestone
toward achieving my big, big,
big goal... operating a
successful online business.

Now, to operate a successful
online business, it is necessary
to constantly strive to reach
my "Big Goals."

So you see, it's all too big
to do unless I put all my focus
on one week at a time.

That's what my Friday Blueprint
is for.

It keeps me from developing a
"wandering eye" or "jumping
the fence" for each new thing
that looks intriguing or easy.

==> Here's the thing.

I'm rambling.

Let me stop and tell you what
this email is about.

Lots of folks who are on my
email list = thanks for your
loyalty :) =

Lot of folks on my list have
been replying to my emails to
tell me about their goals and
their own "Friday Blueprints."

Then they follow up and tell
me how it's progressing.

A few people have been doing
this every single Friday.

They tell me their goals for
the next week one Friday.

The next Friday, they report
back and tell me how they did,
plus... what their new Blueprint
is for the next week.

So they've kind of established
an accountability relationship
with me right from this email

And I've seen them grow through
doing this, plus, I give some
feedback from time to time.

(Hey! I usually charge for my
email coaching, so you get a
little freebie here for being
my loyal sub, heehee)

That's it, really.

You wanna play?

Just reply to any of my Friday
emails and tell me what your
Blueprint is for next week.

Then, make yourself accountable
to me (and to yourself)... by
letting me know how you made out
with it, where you slacked off,
where you exceeded your goals,

Nothing formal.

Nothing to sign up for.

Just do it!

I'll be happy to be your support
and accountability partner.

Send me your Friday Blueprint
right now.

I love my weekend reading :)

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.