Subject: "Everybody's got ten bucks," I said...

I'm not sure
who all knows
my background.

I've had (and
still have)
a professional
practice as an
for many years.

Over time, I
moved my practice
from a brick and
mortar village
shop/office, to
a 100% telephone
and Skype service.

Many of my clients
have been consulting
with me for years.

Some make
with me once
or twice a year,
but most of them
consult with me
at least once a

Here's a bit
about my back
story though,
and the lesson
it has for your
online business.

"Everybody has
ten bucks."

That was how I
first developed
my practice.

You see, I had
nothing in those

I was going to
school to earn
a degree in
social work.

Things in life
changed drastically
for me, and I had
to quit school
and figure out
how to support
myself and my

I had been doing
psychic readings
for some time,
at people's houses,
at parties, etc.

I decided I could
start a regular
practice doing it.

I rented a little
shop in a quaint
little village and
called it "Mind
Over Matter."

But how could I
get people to
walk through the

I didn't have
money to advertise.

So I made a crude
A-frame sign and
wrote this on it...

$10 Quickie

That was it.

My thinking was

I was getting
$75/hour for
my private

But nobody knew
me, nobody trusted
me and I just
needed to build
relationships with
folks (I had just
moved to this
village so I didn't
know anybody, yet).

Nobody was going
to give me $75.

But everybody has
bucks... right?

At least, that was
my thinking.

And, maybe people
thought "readings"
meant weirdo
freaky stuff, so
I wanted to lighten
the mood.

So I thought the
"$10 Quickie"
readings were
fun and affordable.

What do you think
of this as a
marketing strategy?

How about your
online business

Do you lead with
something affordable
to get people warmed
up to you?

Do you make it fun
and inviting for

I'll continue this
tomorrow, but right
now I'm about to
begin a Periscope

I'll have to send
you to some of
those on day.

But not today.

If you're a regular
visitor to my blog,
you saw that I got
a concussion last
week clipping
branches in my

So I'm still
working with a
bit of a "lag"
of some sort.

So, I'm cutting
this short for
today, and will
continue at this
point tomorrow.

Until then, think
how my offline
practice relates
to your online

Talk soon,

-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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