Subject: "Ecom Subscription" Update + Webinar Today 10am EST

First of all, I've
worked with two
people this week
who are "ready to


Don't forget the webinar
TODAY is at 10am EST.
"Product and Niche Selection"
It's about finding a
product to sell.

If you have the Funnel
Creator, there's a
special webinar for
using it at 1pm EST.
"The Website"

Sign up for both of
these in the
"Bonus Webinars" tab
inside of your ESP
(Ecom Subscription Pro)
member site.

They've got a niche
and a product and
they're ready to
get it live.

Now, really, let's
not overthink this.

BOTH people I'm
talking about are
virtual newbies to
online marketing.

Neither has a blog,
they don't know the
first thing about
marketing and they
don't know how to
make a sales page.

Both of them have
this is common, though,
they've both made a
few affiliate marketing
sales... simply by
talking to people on
Facebook (in one case)
and on marketing forums
(in the other case).

So here's what they've
come up with.

(I'm going to be
very general here b/c
the nature of this biz
is proprietary...
meaning... you can't
be telling people
specifically what you're
promoting b/c then people
just go out and try to
promote the same thing.
That's not helpful to
anyone b/c everyone
ends up competing with
each other. That helps
nobody and trust me,
there are millions and
millions of products over
thousands of niches. Just
pick one and run with it).

Case # 1

Case-1 picked an affiliate
product from ClickBank.

That's a great idea b/c
you don't have to worry
about shipping or fulfillment.

Just grab a link and you're
ready to start selling.

The key, here, is that
you want to find a product
with a recurring income
component... a membership

That way, you're not
just selling a product,
but a subscription.

That's what makes this
method work best.

Case # 2

Case-2 found someone on
a forum that sells a
physical product, but
only as a one off sale.

Case-2 reached out to
the vendor and said
"how about if I sell
this as a subscription
product? Can we split
the profit 50/50?UT

The vendor was thrilled,
didn't have a clue how
to do it, but will drop
ship any subscription
orders and split 50/50.

That's all there is to


Both folks reached out
to me b/c they did NOT
buy the Creator Funnel
to create the sales pages
and funnel system.

That's too bad.

I suggested they pick it
up b/c it just makes it
all so much easier.

That said, I'm working
with both folks on ideas
for getting their sales
page/funnel together
without Creator Funnel.

It's more complicated
but can be done!

Bottom line...

one person is talking to
someone on Fiverr to get
it done (not five bucks
for sure, but it will
probably get done for
something like 70-80 bucks.

the other person knows
how to use WordPress, so
David is showing them how
to create their own sales
page and funnel.

either case.

Don't over complicate things.

This is not that difficult
but you've got to sit down
and do it!

And don't use the excuse
that you don't have the
knowledge or money to
promote your sales page.

The training Jon has done
shows you exactly how to
have other people promote
your sales page for you
at no cost.

I know Jon.

I know how he does this.

The training tells you to
simply run your sales page
over to a CPA Network and
they do all the selling for
you and you don't pay them
a dime until they've made
a sale, and until the return
period (ie. 30 days) has

What risk?

What "investment"?


Jon simply tells these
people "give me 200
sales"... and they do.
Then they stop until HE
tells them to give him
another 200.

Like a water faucet.

These are sales, not
impressions, not clicks,
not subscribers.... sales.

Yes, you pay the Network
but only a percent of
your sale.

You work the numbers so
they make their profit,
you make yours...
win-win, everyone's happy.

What risk?

What "investment"?


Now, I'm working on my
own first product and I'll
tell you more about that
in my next email, but right
now I've got to make some
coffee (it's 6:15 am) and
get ready for this morning's
Ecom Webinar that Jon will
be doing live.

Unless you've got this
whole thing down cold and
you're already seeing
sales stream into your

be on this webinar.

You can ask questions!

This is an easy biz
but you've got questions,

I do.

I do every day.

I'll be asking mine,
why not jump on this
and get yours answered too.

Don't forget the webinar
TODAY is at 10am EST.
"Product and Niche Selection"
It's about finding a
product to sell.

If you have the Funnel
Creator, there's a
special webinar for
using it at 1pm EST.
"The Website"

Sign up for both of
these in the
"Bonus Webinars" tab
inside of your ESP
(Ecom Subscription Pro)
member site.

More later,

Blessings and Best Luck.

Talk Soon,

-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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