Subject: [Download Link inside] "The Money is in the List"

Don't be fooled.

Email Marketing
is NOT dead.

The Money IS (still)
in the list.

Are you building
your list?

If so, you're building
potential profits.

If not, you're
probably not.

Today, I wanted to
share with you a really
eye-opening little read
that I think you’d enjoy.

My friend Jimmy, just
released a brand new book

The Money Is In The List.

It's a simple guide
to build your list.

It walks you through
3 clearly defined steps
that you can easily

Download your book
at zero cost here...

It’s about 12 pages and
a super easy read.

Makes for great weekend
reading :)

Enjoy it, and then...

Tell me how you like it.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David Merrill-
Whirlwind Success

P.S. Just like YOU are
reading my email right now,
Jimmy’s going to teach YOU
how get a “list” like mine.

And he's a great guy.

Always makes me smile,
and you know I love that.

Grab your book here
Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
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