Subject: Do Not Bend

Actually, do not bend,
fold or staple.

This is standard
instruction on direct
mailer envelopes.

The reason for the
warning is that if
you bend, fold or
staple the envelope,
the content inside
can become damaged
or corrupted.

Then, it might be

I like this advice,
and I think you
should take it to

I'm not talking
about bending an
envelope, though.

I'm talking about
bending your your
Big Plan.

Your Big Plan is
the one that you've
been following to
achieve your ultimate

Maybe you want to
quit your j.o.b.
or make a certain
monthly income from
your blog or other
online business.

You put your plan
in motion, and now
it's your job to
give it your best

But if you start
bending it and
twisting it around,
then you'll never
really be able to
see how it works...
or doesn't.

Instead, your entire
process will be

You'll start in one
direction, then head
in another.

Maybe you want to
build an email list
on your blog.

After 10 days you
decide things aren't
happening fast enough
so you start buying
Facebook ads.

You lose some money
and in another week
resort to uploading
3 videos a day to

That doesn't seem
to be working, so
you bend your plan

You see where this
is going to take


Not only will you
get nowhere, but
you won't even know
if any one of these
paths was a good
one for you to follow
because you didn't
really follow it.

At least, not long
enough to give it
any kind of a fair

The biggest reason
for online failure
is the irresistible
tendency to bend,
fold and staple...

to mangle your Big Plan
until it's just totally
damaged goods.

This doesn't mean that
YOU are a failure.

It just means you keep
failing because you
haven't learned how
to keep focused on
one strategy, one plan
at a time.

It's not always the
easiest thing to
figure out, really.

But you need to if
you want to achieve
those Big Goals you've
set for yourself.

I'll give you some
ideas to help you
gain that focus in
my upcoming emails.

Until then, stay

Do Not Bend.

Talk soon,


-Donna & David-
Whirlwind Success

PS: The "VIP Club" (link above) will be
increasing in price soon. If you're not
a member yet, this would be a great
time to "freeze" your price at the current
low rate. (Just sayin')
Mind over Matter, 31 Gorham Rd. #231, Scarborough, ME, Maine 04070, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.