Subject:Β πŸ“… Live Call Schedule - Trading Empowerment Mastery! πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Life Empowerment Mastery By Syazwan Bakar!

Welcome Traders!

Hi Friend,

How are you? How are you doing?

I'm feeling great & I'm feeling good!

I want to congratulate you for taking the bold move to jump into our 'Trading Empowerment Mastery' program. I am super grateful that you had joined this life-changing program. I intend to help you to change your life, not just in terms of trading & investing. But also above and beyond that you couldn't imagine that this programme is super unique than any other self-improvement programme out there.

First of all, please confirm with me that you already have the access to the self-learning online platform on When you haven't, please do let me know because that will be the core of your education for this programme. Gentle reminder, new curriculum will be posted every week.

Secondly, the Live Coaching call schedule are as below:

  • It will be via Zoom / Google Meet (I will send an Email for the link at least on the morning of the Live Call).

  • Weekly basis, every Wednesday evening at 8.00pm (+8hrs GMT).

  • 4 weeks programme.

  • 1st week (1st March 2023): 1st session - Intro to Stock Trading.

  • 2nd wee (8th March 2023)k: 2nd session - Fundamental Analysis.

  • 3rd week (15th March 2023): 3rd session - Technical Analysis.

  • 4th week (22nd March 2023): 4th session - Brokerage & How To Use Trading Platforms.

  • When you missed one, you either have to join the following month or make an appointment with me to catch up with the Live Call. But this depends on our free and agreed time.

Thirdly, you need to join our Discord Server the soonest you can. Who knows you might learn some golden nuggets and at least, learn how to make use of Discord when you have never use it before. Basically, it's like WhatsApp on steroids. Click link below to join.

>>Join Discord<<

Fourthly, Earning commission from me by promoting this course to others. When you're interested to earn some extra cash from me, do let me know first, so that I can create a special link for you to track and record the names.

Fifthly, you can also book a 1-on-1 Coaching Call with me anytime to talk about anything that interest you. May it be trading / investing, personal coaching, business talk, marketing, etc. You name it. DM me wherever you think suits you. WhatsApp, IG, FB, Discord, or even send me a pigeon mail. LOL!

Lastly, our cutting edge self development course called 'Life Empowerment Mastery'. The course content is currently in private Facebook Group. In order to join, you need to register for by clicking on the button below. This course can help you with your trading psychology even better. But not just limited to that. For your career, relationship, business and ultimately to improve your life as a whole. When you haven't check it out, click on the image below to find out more. πŸ‘‡

Life Empowerment Mastery

For more details about this programme, please click on the Red Button. You will get the full details of what to expect in the programme.

If you have any problem accessing anything, you can reply to this email directly. You can also contact me through my number since I pressume you've already have it.

Hope to talk to you soon!

Cheers & Regards,
Syazwan Bakar

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