Subject: USA, Canada, UK World 3 Weeks Earner

Welcome USA, Canada , UK, Advanced countries and World to
this 2 by 3 residual income matrix. Just look at the matrix below
and be willing to join, put some business funds , and see the
money rolls to you every 30 days.

    1                4
2       3       5         6                      > Complete get $400 every 3 weeks

7,8     9,10  11,12     13,14         > Complete get $400 every 3 weeks

2 each under 7,8,9, 10 and on  > Get $800 plus more in matching bonuses every 3 weeks.

> Company sponsors, you sponsor or make company sponsor , team spillover

1 st level only 6 members as get $400, 2nd level 8 members
get $400. With 2 levels if you recycle each time $800 in every
3 weeks. The level 3 more than $ 800 each 3 weeks. You get
spillover from top 2 levels under you meaning your spot is
filled by upline. For example Mary's level 3 is filled then extra
members of Mary do fall under you. Your referrals do follow you
in the recycled new matrix as this is a great advantage without
being look for new one's to fill the spots. It was said $2400 per
data centre in earnings every 3 weeks and that is good. The clue
is also get marketing units more from company to fill up our spots
more soon and you do a bit marketing too.

Now they accept Zelle and bitcoin for USA ,
Accept Bank Money orders for Canada , UK , developed world to mail
to their address as well as bitcoins
Rest of the world accept only bitcoins to join in this.

The beauty is they say no recruit and earn every 3 weeks.
Why to keep free right as buy company marketing unit 1 and
get 2 people in matrix spot filling and unit 2 to fill 4 spots etc.
Then they say 1 minimum data center and having 2 nd is more
income so I took 2 and going for the 3rd one soon.

Hope you got the point above, as get in below, see the offer
plan in the next page, fill up join button as in these you have
marketing share and data centre to choose and submit to
get your user name and check your email. Email the support
with your user name as how to pay them and they tell you and
you follow that to be in the program and earn each 3 weeks
my friend.

Kindest regards,


PS: First check the video and test to understand. Then to join enter
the data and select your options and submit form to get your user
name. Then contact support for options for you to pay to this email :

PS:  If you like to join just fill up the form and select what you like
1 or 2 data centers and 1 or 2 marketing units for company to recruit
for you and submit. Then email support as how to pay based on your
country they advise you.The greatest advantage to this program is the
company is recruiting for you and me by taking their marketing share.

PS: please note this is a residual income opportunity and each 3
weeks to 4 weeks to get income , so come on and do your portion
of job.