Subject: When Plan B Becomes Plan A😅

When Plan B Becomes Plan A😅

March 1st, 2022 at 6:42 pm EDT

View onlineHey Remember how a chewing tastes when you just pop it in your mouth ?It's juicy, sweet, and makes your mouth alive. But what happens after you chew it for an hour?The juice fades. It gets tough. And it becomes a chore to chew till youeven ...

I guess pigs really can fly LOL

March 1st, 2022 at 3:00 pm EDT

View onlineHey I remember it like it was yesterday. I told a good buddy of mine: Very soon, I'll be a wildly-successful internet marketer. My buddy's response? When a pig can fly. Sure - it hurt. But that was just an ounce of the negative energy I p ...