Subject: Your first online sale… a feeling you’ll never forget

Be honest now. How long have you been trying to make your first sale online?

Weeks? Months? Years? Longer?

If it’s been a while, you may be able to relate but if not, think about something in your life like…

Riding a bicycle.

When you were a kid, did you just jump on a full size bicycle and start racing around the neighborhood?

Or did you first have a small, kid sized bicycle? One with training wheels attached to the rear wheels?

Most people start with the training wheels and then as they start to see progress…

Pedaling and braking confidently and not falling over…building confidence.

That small bit of progress is a small win.

All of a sudden, more of these “small wins” (like removing the training wheels) start to add up to really BIG wins (like bigger and bigger bicycles, racing bikes, etc).

Almost as if someone flipped on the switch of success and things just started to grow.

Internet marketing is like this. It can be tiresome and frustrating trying to force things to work.

It can drive some people to quit the business when in reality all they needed was to make that first sale or get that first email subscriber on your list. That’s when the confidence really builds and then…

It’s all downhill from there. Like learning to ride the bicycle.

And you’ll never forget the FEELING.

Because it’s right then that you realize you CAN succeed.

It starts with just one, “small win”

And here’s how you can get yours>>>


To YOUR Success,
Joseph Smith

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