Subject: You become what you think about MOST of the time.

Hey Friends

Way back in the 1960s there was a man by the name of Earl Nightingale. He published a record titled “The Strangest Secret.”

 Earl was looked at as one of the original pioneers in the personal development industry and how it came to grow to where it is today. In this record, Earl Nightingale goes on to explain why people live the lives that they live, and how they can go about changing it with this “Strange Secret.”

 He says that the secret is this: “You become what you think about MOST of the time.” Now think about that. Let that sink in and see what you get from that. If you think about it, this is a 100% true statement.

 You can also rephrase the statement: “You GET what you think about MOST of the time.”

Yep! This goes right along with the Law of Attraction.

 Everything in the universe is energy. Everything. And when we think about something, we are sending out energy that corresponds with that thing that we are thinking about.

 This is why you see and notice your car more than any other car when you go out for a drive.

 This is why you think about someone, and all of a sudden, they are sending you a text or calling you.

Everything is energy, but we decide which energy that we want to become one with. That is why our thoughts are so important.

 And although our thoughts are important, there is more to the process. And you can find that here:


 Joseph Smith

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