Subject: When Plan B Becomes Plan A

Hello Friends

Remember how a chewing tastes when you

just pop it in your mouth ?

It's juicy, sweet, and makes your mouth alive.

But what happens after you chew it for an hour?

The juice fades. It gets tough. And it becomes

a chore to chew till you eventually spit it out.

Well, I guess this is what your job feels like.

You are exhilarated at the start.

But as time goes by it becomes a drag until

you're looking for something to supplement it

then eventually replace it.

It is bound to happen.

At some point, I guess you realized there's

no job security no matter how good you may

seem to have it now.

Everyone needs a plan B.

Some, like you, know it

Others do, but don't care.

Well, you're here, and I'm going to help you

make sure your plan B to learn internet marketing

is on point.


To Your Success

Joseph Smith

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