Subject: Too Much On Your Daily Plate?


Want additional income, but where will you find the time?

We often hear the phrase, “I’m too busy.”

In fact, being too busy is worn as a badge to many! (They wrongly think the opposite of busy is lazy.)

However, the problem here is it’s all too often used as an excuse. An excuse that holds many back from getting what they want out of life!

…It’s kept many stuck, living paycheck to paycheck, sick, tired, and drained of energy on a day to day basis.

Many are overwhelmed, riddled with anxiety, and are forced to drink or take up some other vice just to cope.

That’s no way to live.

What I’ve experienced?

Being BUSY is a decision.

It’s shorthand for not important enough and not a priority right now.

For example…

Many say they’d love to add another income stream.

But they may view extra sleep, watching Netflix, or other things as more important, because they’re doing THOSE things over building up their side-business an hour or so every day.

If it was a PRIORITY, they’d find a way to get it done, and they’d drop the “I’m too busy” excuse.

Because here’s the thing…

We never find the time.

We have jobs, life, families, and sometimes unsavory circumstances thrown upon us that we didn’t ask for and don’t deserve.

That’s what author Byron Katie calls “WHAT IS.”

It’s reality.
In all its beautiful bluntness.


We must MAKE the time for whatever is most important to us. Whatever that is.


Hope This Helps

Joseph Smith

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