Subject: This can cut YEARS off your learning curve

Allow me to tell you a quick story

It's about a friend of mine (and a fellow online marketer).

He tells this story all the time when he's speaking on stages around the world, so I'm pretty sure he won't mind me sharing it with you.

You see... when this guy first got started trying to profit in his own online business, one of the things he was told was that he needed to get what's called an "autoresponder"

Now, if you know what an autoresponder is... GREAT.

If you don't, dont worry, just know that it's a "thingy" that sends emails automatically.

Every successful online marketer has an autoresponder and they know how to use it.

Now, my friend, he was just starting out.

He's just gotten his first autoresponder and was trying to figure out how to use it.

He tried to send his first email-

He sat there clicking on buttons for about 45 minutes, but couldn't figure out how to make it happen.

Finally, he asked for help.

The person who helped him showed him what buttons to click in the exact right order.

What took my friend 45 minutes to fail at on his own, took him LITERALLY 3 minutes to accomplish with someone else's help!

Think about that for a moment...

45 minutes
3 minutes

And that was just to learn how to do ONE thing!

Imagine if he'd tried to learn EVERY aspect of succeeding online by himself.

He'd still be struggling to this day!

But he's not.

Because he learned to stop doing things the hard way and to start finding the shortcuts.

And because he found the shortcuts, he shaved YEARS off his learning curve.

Now you can do the same.

Here's how

Joseph Smith

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