Subject: There's no "magic bullet"... but this is as close as it gets

I’ve never been a fan of the so-called “magic bullet.”


Quite frankly, there is no such thing.


Really, it’s a phrase that is tossed around in the IM space to keep people spinning their wheels.


It’s like the guy at the slot machine.


They think that if they pull the lever just one more time, they will hit the jackpot.


Same with most marketers.


They think that if they buy just one more product, they will be a millionaire the next day.


I’ve never been a fan of a “magic bullet” or “overnight success.”


Nor will I ever will be.


But I have to admit that this is as close as it gets.


Because I’ve seen people become successful faster here than with anything else.


Check it out for yourself here


You'll thank me later.

To YOUR Success,

Joseph Smith

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