Subject: The TRUTH about Think and Grow Rich...

Hey Friends

Did you know that there was an original Think and Grow Rich that was published and then removed from the market? Hmmm…. I know right?

 I wondered about this too. Turns out, that the 2nd version that was published was really watered down compared to the first.

 I’m not sure what they took out… But they had to take something out and make some changes to the first before they published it again.

 You could also make the argument that they added things which is possible.

 Now, it says that the “secret” is mentioned in every chapter of the book, and when you notice it every chapter, then you have successfully discovered the secret.

However, Napoleon Hill also states his famous quote near the beginning of the preface: “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe, it can achieve.

So, whatever you want to achieve - Let’s say your goal is earn $1 million. You first have to conceive the thought that you can earn $1 million. Then you have to believe that you can earn $1 million.

 And as long as these two steps precede the third, you will achieve that goal and earn $1 million. Turns out, that there are STILL some missing pieces to becoming, doing or having anything that you want in life.

 So check this out - and don’t worry, this isn’t the watered down version...

 This is the real deal:


 Joseph Smith

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